Chapter 17

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I couldn't sleep. Not one bit. All night long I lay in bed and thought about what Dad had told me. And I

started to realize that maybe, just maybe he might be right.

But I needed to know from the man himself.


I woke up extra early the next morning and decided to go over to his house to ask him. Only to realize that I

didn't have his phone number and didn't know where he lived.

Once again, who the hell touches another intimately without even knowing their phone number?!

Of course, me.

I let out a grumble and dialed up Axel's house number to ask him where Hunter lived.

I was greeted with Blake shouting down the line "WHO IS THIS?!"

"Umm.." I sat up straighter on my bed and lay my hand on my lap "Blake, this is Luna"

There was a moment of silence before I heard his voice again "Oh! Luna! How are ya?"

"I'm alright. You?" I replied to him and listened to the background noise from his side. I could hear little

girly screams (most likely the three girls) and boys shouting out "HAIIIYA!".

I shook my head. Poor Mrs Hodgins.

"Good, good" Hearing Blake's voice I paid attention to him again "Is there anything you needed?"

"Um.." I wiggled on my bed "Yeah.. could you put your brother on the phone please?"

"Sure.." He chuckled "But which one?"

"Oh! My bad" I smacked my forehead then rolled my eyes "Axel please"

"Alright, one sec" There was some shuffling around, swearing, and mumbling before Axel finally addressed


"Luna! Hi!"

I grinned at his enthusiasm "Hi Ax. Miss me already?"

"I doooo" He said in a whiny voice "I can't wait till I see you again. I was going to come today but I have to

help my mum" He grumbled towards the end.

My grin turned into a dull half smile "Aw well... next time then"

Axel must have noticed something different about my voice because he turned serious all of a sudden.

"Are you alright Luna? Did you need anything?"

I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly from my mouth "I'm alright Ax-" Just confused as hell"-but I do

need your help"

"Oh" He sounded surprised "What is it?"

I let out a sigh and fell backward onto my bed, bouncing up and down a couple of times "I need Hunter's


"But you have his phone number don't you?" Came his confused voice "Why don't you call him and just ask?"

I turned my head to the side and picked at the designs on my blanket "Um.. actually, I don't have his number"

I was greeted by silence from him before he let out a long "Whhaaatttttt?"

"Err..yeah. We never...exchanged numbers" I told him embarrasingly.

"B-but your guys are going out" He said in a cute confused puppy voice.

Silent love by missiiWhere stories live. Discover now