Calm before the Storm

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The forbidden forest. The place I swore I would never go but here I am, running as fast as I can away from HIM. I can hear trees explode behind me but I refuse to look back, for fear he will catch me.
"You can't hide from me, Penellaphe!" He yells.
My heart is beating out of my chest and I feel like my lungs are on fire. Man, I am severely out of shape. All of a sudden the tree in front of me explodes, sending me flying into another tree a few yards back.
" Well, well. I've got you now." He says smiling at me maliciously. That smile used to be one of the things I loved most.
"Why are you doing this to me?" I began to sob, struggling to catch my breath. "I thought you loved me."
"I do love you, my pretty flower." He pauses, caressing my cheeks with his hand. "But if I can't have you.... No one can." The man smiles.
"Please.... Don't..." I beg, clutching onto the big hard lump in my pocket.
"Avada Kadevra!" He screams pointing his wand directly at me. A giant ball of green light was thrown in my direction and all I saw was darkness.

I woke up gasping for air, realizing I sweat through my tshirt. It took me a moment to remember who I was and where I was. It's just a nightmare. I clench my chest trying to catch my breath, my lungs still feeling like they are on fire. Lifting my hands and running them through the top of my hair, I take a minute or two to get my breathing under control, then I get out of bed and waltz into my bathroom. I simply stare at my reflection, still not recognizing the girl staring back at me. I have changed so much when comparing myself to who I used to be. I am more confident in my own skin and it definitely shows in my appearance. My long curly black hair, now tamed since I have learned how to properly care for my light curls. I now wear contacts instead of glasses (though I do still carry them with me). I have a brand new wardrobe because my old knee length skirts and high necked button up shirts might have been the style back then, but miniskirts and deep v-necks are all the rage now. Though I was in much need of a total reconstruction, I changed for a purpose. I was in hiding.

I run my hand down the white scars along the left side of my face. Despite being a witch, my healing spells could have used some work all those years ago. The faded white scars were like lightning bolts along the side of my face, cutting through my eyebrow and narrowly missing my eye, all the way down to the left side of my mouth. I drop my hand with a sigh and turn around to turn on the shower. Today is the first day of my sixth year at Hogwarts, again. I couldn't believe six whole years has flown by in the blink of an eye. I made sure to savor every moment this time around, not knowing when it would be my last with my friends. After the last time, I was determined to not make the same mistakes twice. My mind began to wander to my friends Draco and Blaise. Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini: my two Slytherin best friends. The only two people in all of Hogwarts, who know my secret. I take the fastest shower of my life, only washing my hair and body, then jump on out to get dressed. I put on my favorite pair of jeans, a high neck green bodysuit, and my black high top converse.

After careful inspection of my outfit in the mirror, I snap my fingers and my hair is blow dried and styled

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After careful inspection of my outfit in the mirror, I snap my fingers and my hair is blow dried and styled. My hair hanging down my back in loose curls.
I apply light mascara to my eyelashes and walk back into my room.
My magic just so happens to be a minuscule part of my secret. No one but Blaise and Draco know that I have the ability to perform wand-less magic. It has taken some great effort to keep hidden from everyone at Hogwarts, but I've been able to manage just fine so far. I have the ability to manipulate my magic into anything I please as well as possessing the ability to sense other magical entities. The worst part about hiding your magical abilities from others for 9 months out of the year, is I haven't had the much time to explore it. I know enough to keep me protected and safe from HIM, and that's all that matters to me right now.
I set my empty open bags on my bed and wave my hand, causing all my personal items and clothing to be packed instantly.
"Perfect." I say as I check the time, "Shit." I should have left nearly 10 minutes ago.
I simply think about the extension charm and wave my hand again, watching all my luggage shrink to a perfect size to where I can place it in my pocket. I run downstairs and grab my phone off the charger and shove both into my pocket. With one last look around my apartment, making sure I haven't forgotten anything, I apparate to the train station.
The chaos of the train station has always been my absolute favorite. Watching first years cling to their parents, knowing they won't see them until Christmas break which is a good 5 months away. Watching their scared faces as they have to run through the wall to get to platform 9 3\4 for the first time. Sadly, I was running too late today to really enjoy that this time around. I sprint through the wall, now staring right at the Hogwarts express. 'It's good to be home.' I think to myself as I climb onto the train.
Glancing in row after row, I finally spot Blaise and Draco in one of the last train cars. "The queen has arrived." I curtsy. Draco and Blaise turn their heads towards me and smile. "My queen!" Blaise stands and bows. "My girl." Draco stands, kissing me on the cheek.
"How was your guy's summer?" I say as I sit down next to Draco and across from Blaise. "All I did was work, work, work." I groan and roll my eyes.
"It was fine." They both said simultaneously, as they glance at each other and look away.
"Be more specific you goons. I want to know all the details. You guys know how much my life sucks and your summers are always so much more interesting than mine!" I beg.
Draco goes first, "My dad made me go on "errands" with him all summer. You can imagine that nothing I did on those "errands" made him happy. You know how my dad is." Indeed I did. All too well, unfortunately. I gave him a sympathetic smile. I knew exactly what his dad was; a death eater. Loyal to the only person I loathed and loved most in this world. Him.
"What about you Blaise?" I said turning my head towards Blaise. "Anything exciting happen? Did you meet anyone this summer?" I raised my eyebrows, already knowing the answer to this question. Luna Lovegood and I worked at the same coffee shop all summer together, so I got to hear all the juicy details. Blaise smiled. "Yeah. Luna and I have actually really been hitting it off. I wasn't sure how it would go but I was able to see her a few times throughout the summer."
"Oh, I know. I've heard alllllll about it." I giggled, winking at Blaise. This caused Blaise's cheeks to turn pink and he dips his head, staring directly at his shoes. "Now that's enough of that." He said firmly. Blaise was not one for romance of any kind so this thing with Luna is very rare for him especially.
"I've missed you both." I loosely smile looking at each of them, changing the subject. "We've missed you, Poppy." Draco says, grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers. I look down at our hands intertwined and look back up at Draco. I rest my head on his shoulder and we stay like that the whole rest of the way to Hogwarts. I can feel the tension in the air. I know something is wrong with them, but they will tell me when they are ready. I have never been one to push them about their feelings. We are Slytherin after-all. I only move from my spot lying on Draco's shoulder when the train finally comes to a halt, meaning we have arrived at Hogwarts and our sixth year is about to begin.

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