The Black Lake

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Mattheo and I snuck out of the common room, being careful to not run into Filch or any professor walking through the corridors. We tiptoed down the halls, trying not to laugh at how funny we probably look right now.

"Where are we going?" Mattheo laughs.

"Shhh!" I giggle, as I drag him out into the Hogwarts courtyard.

"You're trying to murder me aren't you."

I stop walking and turn around to smile at him. "If I wanted to kill you, I would wait until the duals on Monday. We are almost there let's go!" I turn to walk away but he grabs my arm and turns me around. He watches me closely, his face serious.

"What? Are you scared?" I mock. We were outside, and it was pitch black, but I knew this wasn't something he would be scared of.


We continued to look at each other, his hand still on my arm.

"Do you trust me?" I asked, taking his hand in mine. The jolt of electricity causing butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

He thought about it at first, and nodded his head. Face serious as he gulps.

"Okay, then come on!" I turn around, yanking his arm with me as we run towards the black lake. He follows behind me without saying a word, as we finally make it to the edge of the lake. I drop his hand, continuing to walk the edge until I make it to a tree along the edge of the lake. Beside that tree is a beautiful wooden bench, I put my hand on it and rub it across the top. Memories of this bench hit me like a ton of bricks.

Mini Flashback

"Are you coming?" Tom laughs, picnic basket in hand.

"Yes, yes. I'm coming!" I say out of breath as I run up to him.

We approach the wooden bench located under a tree along the edge of the black lake. "Tom, this is so beautiful."

"I wanted to plan a special date for your birthday. Happy birthday, baby."

"Thank you, Tom." I smile. He lays out the picnic blanket and sets up our lunch.

"I know it's not much, but I tried to get most of your favorites." Referring to the turkey sandwiches, watermelon, and tea he brought to eat.

"Tom, I'm serious. This is absolutely amazing. You're amazing. Thank you."

"I also wanted to bring you out here so we could be alone. I wanted to tell you something."

"Tell me what?" I said with a mouthful of watermelon.

Tom chuckles, his face then turning serious. "I love you, Penellaphe Mayflower. I've loved you from the moment I first saw you, with those glasses and that pony tail on our first day at Hogwarts. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I realize now that, I never want to let you go. I love you."

I was utterly speechless. My eyes bulging wide and my mouth hanging open. Whether, it was because my eyes were dry from opening them wide or because of what Tom just said, but they began to water. "Tom... I love you, too."

That must have been what Tom was waiting for because he pulled me in by the back of my head and kissed me, over and over again.

I lost my virginity to Tom under that tree next to the black lake. He was kind and gentle, and knew exactly what I liked. It was good. After, we carved our initials onto that bench; P+T with a little heart next to it and the word, forever, underneath.

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