Truth or Drink

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We all changed into our pajamas, gathered our pillows and blankets, and piled into the common room. I was in the most comfortable wizard tshirt Draco got me last year for Christmas, a slytherin quidditch shirt with Malfoy written on the back, and a pair of black pajama bottoms. On my feet were a pair of green fuzzy slippers with my initials PW on them.
I plopped down on the couch closest to the fireplace, laying my fuzzy blanket with the most beautiful flowers over top of me. I drag my fingers across each flower on the blanket. Roses, daffodils, peonies, and poppies. All my favorites.
Draco sits down next to me, draping his quidditch blanket over himself and throwing his arm over the back of the couch behind me. "So what do you all say about a friendly little game called Truth or drink?" He asked us all, as the others begin to find their seats, laying out their blankets and pillows.
"Dope." Says Blaise who is sitting next to Luna on the couch across from me and Draco.
"We're in." Astoria, Daphne, and Pansy all yell in unison.
Draco looks to me, eyes glowing with a smirk. "Could be fun."
"Alright. I'm in. Hey, where are Enzo and Theo? I'm only playing if they get their asses down here and play, too." I look around not seeing them anywhere.
"We're here." Enzo pops out from the hallway.
"No need to fear." Theo follows.
"Play what?" A third voice says from behind Theo.
The voice just so happens to be tall, with dark curly hair. Mattheo. My smile slowly fades and I look down at my hands, beginning to pick at my nails.
I can feel Draco's eyes on me and he grabs my hand to comfort me.
"This game we play, called Truth or Drink. Like Truth or dare, only someone asks a question and you have the option of drinking the truth potion or taking a shot of Draco's dad's stash of the hard stuff." Enzo answers.
"I'm in." Mattheo agrees as Enzo, Theo, and him find a seat. Mattheo sitting in the arm chair diagonal from me, and Enzo and Theo sitting on my left, on the floor, in front of the fire.
I take a deep breath and fake a smile. "Alright, so who is going first? Or do we have to spin the wand?"
"I'll go first." Blaise shouts. "Pansy, who did you hook up with this summer?"
I snapped my head to Pansy, eyes bulging. Pansy? Hookup? There is no way she didn't tell me!
Pansy had beads of sweat developing on her forehead, but she never batted an eye. "Nice try, Blaise. A girl never fucks and tells." She grabbed a shot of whatever liquor Draco's dad concocted in the depths of hell, and tossed it back. She gagged and coughed, "God that's horrid. You think by now we'd be used to that taste with how many times we play this game."
We all laugh in unison and patiently wait for Pansy to pick her victim.
"Mattheo." She smiled, biting the edge of her lip seductively. "Found anyone here at Hogwarts youre interested in?"
Mattheo doesn't hesitate. He grabs the truth potion and shoots it back. He placed the empty shot glass down on the table, looking directly at me. "I've found one who's caught my eye." His gaze never leaves mine, sending chills straight down my spine. My cheeks begin to feel warm and my mouth suddenly feels overly dry.
A few breaths later he breaks our eye contact, "Draco. Who is it truly, that you have feelings for?"
Mattheo challenged, like he knew all of Draco deepest darkest secrets.
I looked over a Draco sitting next to me, his jaw clenched. He was obviously having an internal battle of whether or not to take the truth potion.
I thought this was an easy answer. It's obviously Astoria, why doesn't he just say her name?
Draco moves to grab his dad's bottle of liquor to pour himself a shot.
"Oh, come on. Tell everyone here the truth, Malfoy. Who here, do you fancy?" Mattheo presses, wanting him to put down the liquor bottle and pick up the potion.
Draco considers, for a good minute he really considers it. Looking defeated he pours a shot of liquor for himself and tosses it back. He too, gags and coughs, everyone laughing with him. I put my hand on his, giving him a soft look of concern. I squeeze it lightly, silently telling him if he needed to talk, I was here.
Draco, looks at me with his soft blue eyes and slightly smiles. My heart skips a beat and I suddenly feel like the wind was knocked out of me. 'No. Absolutely not, no.' I thought to myself. I looked back down at my hands, nervously. I try to act normal, like my heart isn't beating out of my chest. 'I don't do feelings, especially to Mattheo and Draco. What's happening to me?' My brain was currently having an internal battle back and forth. 'I get Mattheo. I mean he's the new guy and definitely very attractive, but he is an absolute asshole which cancels out the attractiveness. But, Draco? Draco has been my best friend since we were 11 years old. I have never felt anything for him, not even the tiniest flutter until this very moment.' My face must have drained of all color because Draco turns my head to look back at him. "Earth to Poppy. Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Yeah. I'm okay. I suddenly just feel very tired, I think I'm going to head up to my room."
Pansy interjects, "No sleepover?"
"Pansy. We are roommates. We have sleepovers every night."
"You're not wrong there. Are you sure?"
"Yes. I'm just exhausted from the dance. I'll see you guys in the morning." I smile at everyone as I stand up from the couch.
"Do you want me to walk you?" Draco immediately stands up next to me, putting his hand behind my back. I glance at his arm that's tucked behind me and back up to him. My brain suddenly drawing a blank on how to create a sentence.
Finally, I get out, "Uh. Sure."
"Good night everyone." I say quickly, making sure to not look in Mattheo's direction. 
Draco follows quickly behind me, bringing my pillow and blanket with him up the stairway. "You really didn't have to walk with me to my dorm. It's not very far."
"I wanted to. I also, wanted to see if you were okay. Did you have one of those flashback again? You went as white as a ghost." He asked, voice filled with concern.
"I'm okay. No flashback, just have a lot on my mind. By the way, what was that silent battle between you and Mattheo? Why did you take a shot instead of tell the truth about who you're interested in? Is there something you're not telling me?" I finish as we come face to face with my dorm room door.
I stop in front of it and wait for Draco to answer my questions, but he takes his sweet time. He finally grabs for my door knob and opens my door, while simultaneously holding my hand and pulling me inside. He closes the door behind him looking frazzled.
"Draco, what's going on?"
"I couldn't answer that question."
"What do you mean? Does Astoria not know you like her? I thought you and her finally had a thing going on?"
"I don't want Astoria."
He was saying this with full confidence now. Never breaking eye contact from me. Draco steps closer, until we are both breathing the same air. I glance from his eyes to his lips and back to his eyes again. My hands suddenly feel clammy and my heart is beating out of my chest again. "What?" I say breathlessly.
"I never wanted Astoria. I mean she's great, and we had a fun summer, but she was never the one I wanted."
I couldn't think straight any longer. My breathing was shallow and labored and I absolutely lost all cognitive function. I was starting to develop this intense feeling in my belly; the warmth spreading lower and lower. Draco touches one of my hands and takes it in his. "I want you. I've always wanted you. From the moment we met, the very first day at Hogwarts I knew."
With his other hand he caresses my cheek, his eyes dipping from my eyes back to my lips.
"Draco.." I whisper, my eyes now looking at his lips.
"Poppy.." he says, leaning in closer and closer. My body finally kicked itself into drive; I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into me, his lips clashing with mine. He let out a deep groan, our lips never parting. We pulled each other as close as humanly possible, feeling like there was still too much empty space between us. Though I have never had a boyfriend or been with anyone romantically in this lifetime, it's like my body remembered what to do; what it craved.
Draco picked me up off the floor, wrapping my legs around him. The most sensitive part of me now able to feel the most sensitive part of him. He walked us towards my bed, never letting his lips leave mine. He lays me down gently onto of my bed, and I finally break our kiss to slide myself back until my head touches my pillow. I keep my eyes on him as he climbs up and hovers over me. My heart pounding continuously against my chest, while my mind flashes back to all the times Tom and I were together romantically. Both consensual and non consensual. Before he can connect his lips with mine again I get the courage to finally speak, "Draco. I want you, but I'm scared." I give him a worried look, with glossy eyes.
Draco already knew. He knew me so well. "I know. It's okay. I got you." I nodded my head and a single tear fell from my eye. He leaned down and gave me a long, sweet kiss that had my head feeling like it was floating, then he pulled away. He laid down next to me, turning me to face him and covered up both of us with my top sheet and comforter. "Sleep, Poppy." He kissed my forehead and closed his eyes. "Goodnight, Draco." I scooted up as close to him as I thought comfortable and closed my eyes. For the first night since I started at Hogwarts, I didn't dream, I didn't have nightmares, but only silence filled my mind.

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