A Night to Remember

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Pansy came to our room to let me know that green was my designated color for the night. Daphne with dark blue, Astoria with light blue, and Pansy with black. I hate that they do this, but I usually just go along with it. I have been scrolling through the wizard web, searching for dresses to wear to this Ball tonight. After finally finding the perfect one, I put my phone down and start on my hair. I chose to curl it slightly for tonight to accentuate my curls, leaving my long hair falling down my back.

 I chose to curl it slightly for tonight to accentuate my curls, leaving my long hair falling down my back

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I work on my makeup next, wanting to go with a look that will compliment my dress. I decided on a dark smoky eye with some light tinted face cream, since foundation and concealer tend to break my face out. I glance at the scars peaking through my face cream. As much as they have become a part of me, I want to look flawless and feel beautiful. Even if it's just for the night. I swipe my hand in front of my face, my scars no where to be seen. The beauty of being a powerful witch.

Once I was content with how I looked, I pulled out my phone clicking on the picture of the dress I decided on

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Once I was content with how I looked, I pulled out my phone clicking on the picture of the dress I decided on. Looking at the picture, I snapped my fingers and the dress was put on me instantly. This dress was gorgeous, I couldn't be more excited with how everything turned out. I spun around looking at myself in the bathroom mirror to make sure everything was perfect.

 I spun around looking at myself in the bathroom mirror to make sure everything was perfect

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I heard constant knocking on the door. Pounding and pounding, over and over again. "Alright alright, I'm coming." I yelled out, walking towards the door. I grabbed the door knob, turned it and threw open the door. "What?"
It was Draco. He looked me up and down and smiled, looking at me in my eyes. "You look beautiful." He said as he kissed my temple, handing me a corsage. "For you, my girl." He slipped the flowers on my right wrist.
"They are gorgeous. Thank you, D."
"Shall we?" He held out his arm for me to grab onto.
"Let's do it."
We were making our way to the great hall, now walking down the hallway stairs.
"Guys, over here." Blaise yells towards us.
I feel Draco go stiff beside me. I look at him and give him a questioning look. "You okay?" I ask him.
"Uh, Yeah. Of course love." He says putting his hand on my lower back pushing me forward towards our friends.
"Poppy! You look gorgeous. Your dress is stunning!" Pansy squeals.
"Thanks, Pansy. Your dress is beautiful. You look amazing, all of you do."
I give Blaise a hug, "Everyone except you, you twat." I give him a kiss on the cheek, smiling.
Blaise throws me the middle finger, "You ass."
I suddenly notice a man standing behind Blaise, someone I have never seen before. He was tall, 6 foot maybe, with dark brown eyes and curly short dark brown hair. He was attractive, really attractive. "I don't think I know you, I'm Poppy." I smile putting out my hand as a kind gesture, hoping he would shake my hand.
The man looks at my hand and back up at me, smirking. "Mattheo. Mattheo Valentine." He doesn't shake my hand. "I don't do handshakes."
"Ah..." I say putting my hand down. "Not into handsy activities. Noted. I'm guessing you're Slytherin then with that attitude. This is what I get for missing the ceremony." I turned towards Draco and Blaise who are eyeing us looking...... worried? "Neither of you told me about someone new attending Hogwarts. Especially since he's in our house."
"Slipped our minds, love. Im sorry." Draco apologizes. "Come on. Let's go find us a table." Putting out his arm again, I grab hold and we start walking.
"It's nice to meet you, Mattheo. Hope I don't see you around." I fake a smile at him, making him grind his teeth together and ball up his fists. I let out a giggle, and then he's out of sight. Draco and I now walking into the great hall.
"Wow." I say admiring how they set up the ball. "Amazing."
We set out stuff down on an empty table, "Dance with me." I beg, pulling on Draco's arm towards the dance floor.
Draco smiles at me and we make our way to the dance floor. I put my arms on each of his shoulders, rubbing the back of his neck. He puts his arm on my hips and pulls me close to him. We start swaying back and forth to the music, just enjoying each other's company.
"You reek of Astoria by the way." I blurt out, smirking at him. This causes him to avert his gaze, looking guilty.
"Yeah. About that..."
"You don't have to say anything Draco, we decided to start seeing each other to make Astoria jealous. I just don't understand why you didn't tell me. You should have asked her to this ball tonight." I interrupt.
"I wanted to go with you, because you're my best friend. I didn't tell you because I didn't know if it would go anywhere other than us having sex. I'm sorry, love."
"Don't apologize, D. I'm happy for you. Now go get her and ask her to dance before someone else does. I'm officially dumping your ass for cheating on me." I smiled.
He gives me a quick kiss on the forehead, "Thanks, Poppy. I owe you one."
"You owe me more than one, you ferret boy." He rolls his eyes at me still smiling, and walks away right towards Astoria.
I walk back to the table where my things are located and sit down. I honestly really have never loved balls like this. It reminds me too much of HIM. I fell in love with him at a dance similar to this here at Hogwarts in this very room, and this place is just a constant reminder of how pathetic and helpless I used to be. I'll never let myself love like that again.
A drink was placed in front of me on the table. I look at it confused and glance to my left, noticing the new guy, Mattheo had set my drink on the table. "Wow, a gentleman. Who new." I say thanking him for the drink.
"Looks like your boyfriend is getting handsy with another bitch." He points towards Draco and Astoria on the dance floor, who are dancing very closely together, laughing and having a great time. I smile at them, then look back at Mattheo, "Draco and I are not together. But thank you for the concern, I'm flattered,"
He balls up his fists again and starts grinding his teeth.
"Woah, woah. Calm down there, buddy. Don't start something you can't finish. Obviously you are new around here so I'll cut you some slack, but I'm not one to mess with." I tell him, while still sitting down. 'I'm not scared of this asshole.'
He grabs my chin and crouches down to my eye level. As soon as he touches me I sense it; sense his power. I feel a shock of electricity from my head to my toes, I can tell he felt it too because it catches him off guard a bit. After a moment he regains his thoughts, because he continues, "Watch how you speak to me, love. You may think you're not one to mess with, but I will not hesitate to do what is necessary. Something I have a feeling you lack." He lets go of my chin. "Now, Miss Poppy. I would love a dance."
"I thought you weren't the handsy type." I ask, ignoring and not impressed with his threat. "Also, we might not know each other, but I'm a pretty good judge of character and you scream...." I pause and act like I'm thinking. He doesn't seem amused. "Oh yes, like a pathetic bitch who hides behind this bad boy facade because it's easier to have people fear you than it is to have someone on your side for once."
He is speechless. Speechless and angry. I stand up to walk away and he grabs for my arm, pulling me back. I grip his arm that's holding mine with my opposite one and spin around until I have his arm pinned behind him.
"Now you know who I am. I don't know where you came from, but you're in my kingdom now. Don't you dare for one second think I will hesitate to do what is necessary." I shove him away from me and walk out of the great hall and back to the Slytherin common room, before I lose control of the endless ball of power threatening to break loose.

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