The Silence

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I awoke to a faint strip of light shining through my window into my eyes. I felt a heavy arm draped across my body from behind and a solid chest against my back. Memories of last night flash through my mind. Draco, confessing his feelings for me, then his lips on mine. Thinking about it made me smile slightly.
I look down at the hand lying down by my abdomen and see his dark mark. My smile immediately fades and I'm suddenly haunted by my own memories of Tom.

The first time Tom ever laid a hand on me was in fifth year. We had been dating for a year already and were inseparable. He often would tell me how beautiful I was and how lucky he was to have me as his. He would bring me flowers in the mornings and always walk me to class while holding my hand.
At the beginning of our fifth year everything changed. He started speaking crazy things, about dark marks and dark magic. Tom began to write more in his journal about this dark magic and sketch evil unnerving things; often finding himself in the restricted section of the library.

A random day in mid May, right before the end of the year, Tom became something else entirely. There was no evidence of the kind man I fell in love with, only darkness. He took me to the restricted section of the library one night after convincing me he had a romantic date planned; boy was I wrong to go.

He started spitting off these ideas of fighting back against the order of the phoenix and things about Justice and forming an alliance. Tom took out his journal and showed me one of his sketches; a skull with a snake coming out of it. His eyes lit up almost like he was proud of everything he planned. Tom took his wand out and put it to his right forearm, dark tendrils of magic started spitting out of his wand and wrapped around his forearm. He groaned in pain, but bit his lip to keep from screaming out loud. I stood there in shock, unable to speak or even take a breath. I watched as the skull and snake he drew slowly begin to appear on his forearm. When he was satisfied with how it looked, he put his wand down, panting; trying to catch his breath. I felt like I couldn't move, like I was rooted to that very spot.

Tom laughed, "It's finally begun. We have started this journey. We must end all muggles at once. But first, we must create an army of those who, too, see."

"We?" I managed to get out. I didn't want any part of this. This idea of pure bloods over all was absolutely insane. Fighting against the order of the phoenix? We would surely be killed, or worse, end up in Azkaban. "No. I won't be apart of this." I turned to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

"We must change the ways. Muggles and wizards cannot coexist." He tried to convince me.

"Tom. This is crazy! What is the matter with you?" I ripped my arm out of his hand. "I'm leaving."

Tom grabbed me by the shirt and threw me against the bookshelf closest to us. Holding me up against it. "You will do as I say. You are mine, and you must obey me."

I felt like I couldn't breathe. As I tried to catch my breath I tried to get out, "Tom. I won't do this, please let me go." I tried pushing at his chest to get him off of me, but he turns me around so my face is now pushed into the dusty books on the bookshelf. My glasses fall off my face onto the floor, and my hair falls out of my pony tail. He pushes me into the bookshelf, hard, until it's digging into my face and abdomen.

"You ARE MINE! You will not defy me. You will never defy me again. I am doing this for us; for our future. To create a better world for us. I'm doing this because I love you." He holds up his wand with one hand and uses his other to brush my hair to the side. I feel him press the point of his wand to the back of my neck. All I felt was pain from my neck, down to my toes; nothing but agonizing heat. My whole body felt like it was melting from the inside out. The last thing I remember was screaming and screaming, then I must of blacked out because the next thing I knew I was on my dorm room bed alone. A burning, pulsing pain to the back of my neck was very noticeable.

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