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The weeks passed by in a blur. After the first few weeks of classes, I developed a nice routine. I would spend most of my days in the library, though I've learned all this information before, it was nice to dive deeper into certain topics. Halloween weekend was just seconds away, Professor Slughorn just finishing up for the week in potions.

"Now, class on Monday we will be learning about Amortentia." Groans were heard all around by the men and giggles from the women. "I expect you to study its ingredients and history before returning. Have a safe weekend."

"Finally." Pansy huffs. "Time to partyyyyy!"

Draco, Theo, Enzo, and Mattheo make their way over to us, hearing Pansy's excitement.

"Meeting at our usual spot around 10?" Theo states, referring to the couch and chairs in front of our fireplace in the common room. We sort of claimed that spot as our own the first day at Hogwarts years ago.

"You and Enzo twinning again this year? Let me guess. Bonnie and Clyde? Romeo and Juliette? OH! I know! Belle and the beast for sure!" I joked.

Everyone laughed but Mattheo, an inside joke he wouldn't understand. I directed my attention to him, "Last year, they came as the devil and an angel totally by accident, but it looked like a couple costume. We gave them hell all night long." I laughed with them, Mattheo still not finding my story amusing, but rather had a different look in his eye. One I couldn't seem to place. "Anyways, yes. 10 is perfect. See you boys later." Pansy and I smiled at the boys before walking out of Slughorn's classroom.

"He looks like he wants to rip your clothes off." Pansy said once we were out of sight.

"What the hell are you talking about, now?"

"Mattheo. He's got that look in his eye. Almost like he's waiting for you to say the words and he'll be on his knees for you in seconds."

"Bull. He wants nothing more than to strip me of my clothes, fuck me, then send me on my way. The man has no respect for women."

"It's neither here nor there. Either way, he can't keep his eyes off you! Plus, he isn't bad to look at. Who doesn't love a bad boy?"

"Me. I've had enough bad boy in my life to last a lifetime. I don't want a bad boy, and I don't want a nice boy. I like being single and that's how it's going to be."

"Girl, you need to get laid." Pansy exaggerates.

I roll my eyes at her while opening the door to the common room. The room was being set up for tonight's Halloween party, making Pansy shriek with happiness. "Oh my god, I can't wait! Come on! We need to pick out our outfits and get ready!" She yanked me up the stairs and into our dorm.

"Now, I was thinking of maybe sexy superhero....." She says pulling out a wonder woman costume that was clearly a bikini that looked like something wonder woman would wear. "Or Harley Quinn!"

"Definitely Harley Quinn. Please don't wear a bikini for a Halloween costume party." I begged her while laughing.

Pansy giggled. "Okay. What about you?"

"I've got this medusa costume that I have been dying to wear. I also found a spell to put on my hair to make it take the shape of snakes and move."

"I'd expect nothing less from the Slytherin Queen herself." We laughed together.

As we got ready, we decided to pregame with the leftover bottle of tequila we had in our dorm. There wasn't much but enough to get us feeling good. I shut the door to the bathroom, locking myself in to get dressed. I snapped my fingers, putting on my costume. The mix of gold and black complimenting my golden skin tone. The top was almost all black with golden jewels hanging off and the skirt was medium rise, almost all black with a gold trim at the top. There was a slit up the side all the way to the top of my thigh. I paired it with my chunky gold heels that wrapped up to mid-calf. I slipped on my gold snake ring to my left middle finger and some dainty gold arm bangles to match. I thought of exactly how I wanted my hair to look, thinking of the beautiful coloring of the black mamba and snapped my fingers. My hair came out perfect. The snakes were hissing and moving almost like they were real. I put my hand up to one and it caressed my hand. "So freaky!" I said to myself.

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