I Know You

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I'm walking back to the Slytherin common room when I bump right into Blaise and Luna. "Oh, hey guys."
Blaise and Luna both turn around and look at me, "Hey, Poppy. How are you?" Luna asks. They seem awfully close, and I was definitely interrupting something.
"I'm fine. Just heading back to the common room."
Blaise cuts in, "Wait, did something happen? What's wrong?" He grabs for my hand to turn me back around to face him.
"No, I'm fine. Draco and Astoria are dancing, which is great, that's what he's always wanted. It's the new guy." I glance over at Luna then back at Blaise so he knows that I can't discuss it here in front of her. He understands immediately.
"Why don't we go get Draco and meet you at the astronomy tower in 5 minutes. Little smoke break might help make you feel better. Don't leave the dance just yet, okay?" Blaise pleads.
I took a minute to think about it. I could really use someone to talk to, and I really needed them to know about this Mattheo. "Okay. Yes. I will meet you there in 5 minutes." He nods his head, pleased with my answer, then starts to walk with Luna back to the dance.
"It's nice to see you, Luna. Maybe we can get breakfast together sometime." I say.
"Of course. That would be great, Poppy."
I turn around and begin walking towards the Astronomy tower. I'm trying not to let Mattheo get to me, but it's really hard. He just seems so familiar it's driving me absolutely crazy. The way he touches me, the way he talks to me, it just reminds me way too much of how HE used to. I walk up the tower stairs and over to the outside balcony. Looking out into the night air, I grab the railing and throw my head down, taking a deep breath.
I suddenly hear footsteps from behind me and I turn around to see Draco and Blaise walking up the stairs, bickering back and forth with each other.
"Took you both long enough."
"We had to grab the goods." Blaise said holding up the bag of pre rolled joints.
"Fantastic." I smiled. Grabbing one from the baggie, I hold out my pointer finger. I imagine lighting a match and fire comes out the top. I hold it at the end of the joint, lighting it up.
"So why were you going back to the common room so early. We weren't even at the dance an hour." Draco asks me, signaling for me to help him light his joint. I hold my finger out for him and Blaise and continue on.
"It's that new guy. He got me a drink, either to be nice or to flirt with me, but I'm thinking the latter because he doesn't seem like the nice type. He told me that you, Draco, were getting handsy with Astoria, and I told him we weren't together and I appreciated his concern. He got angry and grabbed for my chin." I paused trying to collect my thoughts. "As soon as he touched me I felt it. I felt his power. It was like an electric shock from the top of my head to my toes." Draco and Blaise were eyeing each other closely, then looking back at me. "The worst part is, he feels so familiar. I don't know what is happening. I've gotten rusty over the summer." I say worried.
It takes a minute for Draco and Blaise to say anything so I add, "He reminds me of him. Tom. The way he touched me and threatened me, it sent me back to every time Tom had hit me or touched me when I didn't want him to." I shook my head trying to forget everything that, Tom Riddle, ever did to me. Draco and Blaise looked really worried at this point.
"I don't know I just wanted out of there so I took his arm and pinned it behind his back. Then I told him not to mess with me, I shoved him backwards, and walked out of the great hall." I let a single tear fall and quickly wiped it away. After taking another hit and letting it out, I finally took a deep breath.
There was silence now, nobody said anything. I jumped up on the edge of the balcony and sat down with my legs dangling off.
"You know why I hate these things?" referencing the ball, "The night of our Yule Ball during our fourth year, was the very night I realized I was in love with Tom. Oh how stupid I used to be."
I shook my head at myself. I wish I could go back in time and curse myself for ever putting up with him.
"I was a fool for ever thinking I could live in peace without thinking about him and everything he put me through. I don't think it's humanly possible when everything here reminds me of him. I just want it all to stop hurting so much."
Draco and Blaise come up on either side of me and pull me into a warm embrace. We sit there in complete silence for about 10 minutes, just listening to each others breathing after smoking the last of our joints.
"Poppy, it's not your fault. None of what happened is your fault. Tom loved you in his own twisted way, and you loved all the good parts of him, though I still don't know why and never will." Draco smirks and I give his shoulder a light shove. "We love you, Poppy. We will just have to fill this place with even more good memories until the idea of Tom Riddle never crosses your mind again."
"As for Mattheo, Poppy, you need to stay away from him. He's bad news is what it sounds like. Don't give him the satisfaction." Blaise says.
I take a minute to take in what they both had to say and continued. "I love you both. Thanks for always being here for me. I don't know what I would do without either of you."
"Enough of all of that sappy shit. Now let's go dance!" Blaise yells.
Draco and I laugh together. "Okay. Okay. Let's go." I smile.
Draco helps me off the balcony edge and we walk down the stairs, towards the great hall. I start hearing the loud music playing again, and see Luna waiting for us at the entrance. "There you are, I was getting worried she stole you from me." Luna jokes, smirking at me.
"Gross, not my type." I fake look disgusted towards Blaise. "No offense." I try and hold back a giggle when Blaise looks very hurt and flips me off.
"You're on a roll tonight, Westfield. Keep it up."
I give him a curtsy, "Just doing my queenly duties, you peasant."
"Alright. That's enough. May I have this dance, my queen?" Draco interrupts our bickering, putting out his hand asking for mine.
"Of course." I place my hand in his and we walk towards the dance floor. I notice Mattheo isn't around and immediately relax. I decided right then and there that I simply would not let him get to me. This is supposed to be my year and I will be damned if I don't make this the best year yet.
The rest of the ball is filled with so much laughter, dancing, and spiked punch with all my friends. By the time we all stumbled back into our common room it was midnight and we didn't want the night to end.
"Everyone get changed and meet up in the common room for games. It's our first night back, bring your blankets and pillows, we are pulling an all nighter friends." I smile deviously.
The girls squeal and the boys shout, "Whoop whoop.", as we head off towards our dorms.

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