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YOST ICE Arena was filled to its capacity for the first game of the season. Fans, parents, the opposing schools students, all screaming at the top of their lungs as the game began.

Adi glanced around, shooting Helena a wide-eyed stare at the aura of the room, everything seeming to bounce off the walls.

She kept her eyes locked on forty-three, watching him swiftly pass the puck over to his teammate. The game went on, the score still nothing as they went to first intermission.

By the second, Luke was standing in center ice, waiting for the ref when he began to scan the room. From the front row, he could spot her. Hell, he could spot her from a million miles away.

He lifted his hand briefly, her eyes drifting down to the pendent hanging from his bracelet as she smiled largely.

"What is this? High school musical?" Helena cocked a brow, earning a scolding look from the blonde beside her. "Sorry. College musical."

"You're such a twat." Adi rolled her eyes playfully. "He's a sweetie."

The game continued, dragging along as Luke was the first to score, finally giving the Michigan fans what they had been chanting for.

After another period, Michigan scored two more goals, earning their first win and shut out.

She shivered as they stepped outside the Cathedral-like-building. Adi had her arms crossed over her body, patiently waiting for the curly headed boy.

Helena groaned and pouted for the entire ten minutes until he finally came out, his friends following out behind him.

"Here." Luke slugged off his Michigan jacket, placing it around Adis shoulders as he placed a kiss on the side of her head.

Adi felt her cheeks heat up at his affection, nodding into him with a hum. "Thank you. You did so good. I'm so proud."

"Yeah?" Luke shot her a lopsided grin. "I had a lot of lucky charms tonight, huh?"

"God, what cuties." Dylan pouted, holding a hand over his heart.

Adi poked around Luke to stare out him. "Hush it."

"Oh, let me introduce you." Luke slung an arm around Adi. "Guys this is Adi and Helena. This is Mark, Rutger, Luca, Dylan, Ethan, and Seamus."

All six of them raised their hands to wave, large grins on their lips as Adi chuckled softly at the familiar faces.

"So, who says we should have a post win party?" Rutger put his hands up, looking around with wide eyes.

"Literally you." Ethan gave him a once over. "Like, five minutes ago."

Helena placed a hand over her mouth to try and conceal her laughter. "Oh, I like this one. I can tell we're gonna get along."

"Fuck you guys." Rutger lifted his middle finger, flashing it towards both of the brunettes.

"Come on." Luke rolled her eyes, dragging along his girlfriend, followed by the group of hockey players, Helena sticking to Ethan.

*ೃ༄ NEVER GROW UP ; LUKE HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now