twenty one

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taylor swift

THE SOUND of indistinct chatter outside her cracked window was enough to stir Adi Blue awake.

She rubbed her eyes with a slight squint, feeling the puffiness of them on her fingertips. Dried tears made her skin feel dry as her head pounded as she slowly rose.

Adi could feel her matted hair as she raked her hands through it, stumbling over to her window.

Suddenly, she wished she had stayed in bed, closed her eyes, and never woke up from this nightmare.

Because there he was, standing tall, surrounded by his family and Faye as they praised him, his bags loaded into the car.

The deja vu made her shiver. She watched, Ellen holding him tightly as he had no expression, cracking a forced smile every time someone spoke a word to him.

Adi wanted to throw up at the sight of him.

Luke glanced all around like he was lost, his gaze finally landing up at the household of Adi Blue. He stared hard at the window, the sun barely shining made it easier for him to see her.

Their eyes locked, Luke wanted to lift his hand, to show her he still cared, to say goodbye, but he didn't. He watched her scowl and hurriedly close her blinds and she was gone. Out of sight, out of mind was the only thing he could tell himself.

Adi refused to cry, she refused to care. She stumbled down her stairs, turning on the Nespresso.

"Do you wanna say goodbye?" Faye's voice rang through the mud room, her mother peeking her head by the doorway to cock a brow at her daughter.

"I already did." Adi replied, the hoarse tone in her voice made her throat burn.

Faye sighed lowly. "Did you?"

"Yeah." Adi hummed. "Last night. Did you forget?"

"Honey..." Faye paused. "I know you're upset. You have every right to be but why don't you just say bye?"

Adi had her back turned to her mother as she stared at the coloring of her marble countertops. "Because I don't owe him a goodbye. If he really wanted to say goodbye, he would've came here. So, goodbye is a big fuck you."

Faye tapped her fingers of the framing before exiting the house, feeling speechless.

Adi moved her hair from her face twisting it in her fingertips as she pulled the mug out from the coffee machine, turning to face her mud room as she poured an excessive amount of creamer into the coffee.

"Adi?" A voice called out, she froze. Ellen's face had immediately made her calm as she expected to see the curly headed boy.

Adi forced a smile, watching Ellen rake her eyes over her face.

"Hi." Ellen stood in front of her, the island keeping a good amount of distance between them. "I, uh, is everything okay?"

"Dandy." Adi scrunched her nose up. "Everything is just dandy."

Ellen folded her wrinkled hands as she breathed out lowly. "He won't tell me what happened but I can tell something is wrong."

"Well, he broke up with me." Adi licked her teeth, feeling awkward under the woman's stare.

"I'm so sorry, Ads." Ellen expressed, the faint frown on her lips made Adi cringe. "I wish I would've known before hand...I could've talked him into not..."

Adi sucked her teeth, her voice cutting Ellen off. "Nothing would've changed his mind. He made his choice, there's nothing I can do about it."

"Don't hate him. Please, Adi girl." Ellen tilted her head slightly.

Adi could feel tears burning in her blue eyes as she stared at him mother, her emotion bleeding right through her. "I don't. I could never hate him."

"He's having a hard time with this." Ellen swallowed. "Between leaving and having to get adjusted in an entire new environment, it's taking a toll on him."

Adi stayed quiet, nodding as she sat on the bar stool across from Ellen.

"Please don't let him push you away." Ellen pleaded. "He needs you." She paused, watching the girl before sniffle. "He loves you."

"No. He doesn't." Adi's voice cracked as she stared down at her fingers.

Ellen's features twisted as she leaned closer to the girl. "Yes he does, Adi. Do you love him?"

Adi nodded, feeling a tear fall from her eye, she wiped it. Ellen reached for her hands, folding them in her own. "You'll figure it out. You'll come back to each other."

"Maybe." Adi shrugged.

happy v day cuties <3
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*ೃ༄ NEVER GROW UP ; LUKE HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now