twenty four

2.7K 59 21

taylor swift

HELENA HAD her hands on her hips, the pout on her lips had become permanent for at least five minutes as she stared at the blonde on the couch.

"I'm trying to be studious, Hels." Adi joked, lifting her eyes from her computer screen, her legs beneath her.

"But you never come out." Helena argued, rolling her eyes. "It's so boring without you! This is all his fault."

Adi leaned her head back against the cushions. "No, it's all college works fault. I promise I'll come out tomorrow, okay?"

Helena just nodded with a small grin. "We'll see."

Adi shifted as the door shut, Adi closing her laptop as she crawled to the roommate on the side table. She glanced at the clock, ten minutes till seven.

She turned the TV on, switching it to MSG as the Devils broadcast began to light up her screen, live from the Presidential Center.

Adi swallowed thickly as the camera panned around the crowd, Ellen and Jim Hughes coming into frame as they chatted, waving to the audience.

"And now..." The broadcasters voice had her sitting up with anticipation. "For your first ever rookie lap, please welcome number forty-three, Luke Hughes!"

The arena erupted into screams and claps as he began to come down the tunnel, his skates hitting the ice as he skated around in a circle.

She couldn't tear her eyes from him, watching him shoot the pucks into the empty net as he glanced all around, like a deer in headlights.

He lifted his stick towards the crowd, Adi feeling her heart shake as his sleeve was tugged down slightly, the horseshoe hanging from his wrist.

He kept it. He was wearing it, she was still his good luck charm. It was overbearing as she sighed lowly, feeling her bottom lip begin to quiver as she stared at the empty spot beside her.

"None of this makes sense." Adi blew out a breath, staring intently at the screen. "Hockey is so complicated."

"Uh, not at all." Luke disagreed, tossing back popcorn as it landed in his mouth.

Adi rolled her eyes, glancing down at her boyfriend in her lap. "First, you can choke by doing that, Lukey. Second, these terms are confusing the fuck out of me. Like, what even is an icing?"

Luke sat up, shaking his head with a chuckle. "It's when a player on your team hits the puck all the way to the opposing side and it crosses the red line."

"So, that's why they race?" Adi tilted her head slightly, intrigued.

Luke hummed. "They learn so fast."

Adi twisted her face towards her in a mocking manner. "And takeaways and giveaways?"

"Takeaways are when you take the puck from the other team and a giveaway is when you get it taken from you." Luke explained, watching her listen with pursued lips and small nods.

"How interesting." Adi furrowed her brows, sitting back. "I can't believe I've grown up watching you play and I didn't know half of these terms."

Luke shrugged with a chuckle. "You didn't pay attention at my games, Adi Blue."

"True." Adi licked her lips, feeling her sheepish grin grow. "I was totally checking out the other guys."

Luke's face reddened as he shot daggers at the blonde that tried to contain her laughter. "Are you shitting me? Like, you're a fucking comedian."

"Oh, Lukey baby." Adi pouted, reaching for his cheeks as he swatted her away. "Cmon, don't be like that."

"No." Luke put his hands up in defense. "It's fine. I can just go, like, talk to Carson Reed."

Adi's jaw dropped as the words left his mouth. She flickered her eyes between his as he smirked devilishly at her.

She was quick to turn her back to him, staring at the pictures on her dorm room wall. Luke scooted closer, grabbing her hip, her stoamch swarmed with butterflies as he squeezed her bare skin.

"Stop, Adi." Luke whined. "I was joking."

Adi flipped around, bringing her hands to shove at his chest but her wrists were being engulfed by his hands, a yelp leaving her lips as he came to topple on top of her, pinning her back to the couch.

Luke taunted her, his larger frame hovering over her.

"God, I love you." He blurted, his green eyes darting all
over her features.

Her cheeks grew hot, her heart beating as she brought a hand to rub on the apples of his cheeks. "I love you."

Adi blinked, the memory making her entire body shake as now, she watched him through a screen, miles upon miles away.

She saw a stranger, but it was weird.

Luke Hughes had become a stranger to her but she knew that his favorite color changed every week, he loved chocolate chip pancakes, he was a master at mini sticks, he tried to hard to be like his older brothers, and he loved Deirks Bentley.

Because he was still Luke, but he was no longer her Luke.

my poor adi
also 21k 🩵
ok and jack has a gf so now i need to go cry

*ೃ༄ NEVER GROW UP ; LUKE HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now