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taylor swift

THIS PAST week had been easily one of the most quietest and peaceful of Adi Blues entire life. She laid on her lawn chair, eyes shut with sunglasses over them, the bikini adorning her skin hiding her tan lines.

The sun reflected off the oil of her body as Adi tapped her feet slightly to the melody of Cruel Summer by Taylor swift.

A finger poking at her ear, flicking out her wired headphones had her flinching as she was quick to lift the sunglasses to her head.

Quinn stood there, smiling brightly, blocking the sunlight.

Adi parted her lips, the anger draining from her face as she leaned up, wrapping her arms around him tightly. "Oh, Quinn! I had no idea you were coming in today."

"Best surprise ever?" Quinn chuckled, watching her plop back down. "Usually I'd bitch about getting oil all over me but it's you."

Adi waved her hand at him. "I'm honored. So honored."

"Yeah, yeah." Quinn mocked, coming to sit by her feet.

"How was your flight?" Adi asked, unplugging her headphones as she sat up, giving him more room to sit.

Quinn pursued his lips with a small shrug. "It was fine. Same old same old. I'm just happy to finally be home. Summers are my absolute favorite."

Adi held her knees to her chest. "Mine too."

"Do you wanna come on the boat?" Quinn asked, peering over his shoulder at the docked vessel. "It's only gonna be a couple of us."

"Give me names." Adi rolled her eyes.

Quinn hummed, nodding. "Zegras, Cole, Turcs, Jack, and Luke."

Adi visibly stiffened. "What? Wait, Quinn, I...I thought they wouldn't be home for another week. What the fuck?"

"Season ended early for them." Quinn clicked his tongue. "I didn't know until I got off my flight. It was a great reunion."

"I'm sure." Adi blew a breath from her mouth, her skin growing red with frustration. "Well, now my peace is gone."

Quinn frowned. "Please don't tell me you're going to lock yourself up in your room for the summer, Adi."

"You know, people always said I resembled Repunzel." Adi shrugged, moving her hair from her collarbone with a short snicker.

"You wish your hair was that long." Quinn joked, nudging her knees softly. "But seriously, you should have a good summer too."

Adi knew he was right, he always was. She crossed her arms, blinking from the brightness of the sun. "I can't make any promises, Hughes."

"Will you at least try?" Quinn asked with a cocked brow.

"I'll try to have fun." Adi had her lips in a flat line. "But I'm going to have to pass up that boat ride. That's, like, a death wish."

Quinn had a pleased expression on his features as he nodded. "That's better than nothing."

Adi saluted him, watching as he began to shuffle back towards his own home, leaving the girl unaccompanied once more.

Quinn and Adi had always had a brother-sister relationship, that was in Quinn's nature, a born caretaker.

He had treated her like his family, as did she, it would be that way forever. She enjoyed it, growing up an only child, Quinn was the older brother she dreamt of having.

"Where were you?" Jack asked as Quinn stepped inside their home, his eyes raking up and down his brother's shirt.

"Why do you smell like a girl?" Trevor asked, chewing obnoxiously on a granola bar.

Quinn rolled his eyes. "I don't smell like a girl genius. I went over to Adi's to say hello." His eyes shifted to his youngest brother.

Luke swallowed, keeping his head low.

"Was Helena there?" Trevor asked with furrowed brows.

"Bro." Jack scrunched his face up. "I thought you were over that?"

Trevor shrugged. "We've been texting. Plus, it's summer, give me a break. So, was she?"

"No, Trevor, she wasn't." Quinn sighed. "Are we going boating or not? 'Cause I'm now hot and bothered." He glanced at Zegras momentarily who shot his hands up.

"What? Did you ask Adi to go?" Luke finally had the guts to speak up, annoyance in his tone.

Quinn shifted his gaze to him. "I actually did. 'Cause I'm not going to pretend she doesn't exist. So, either, you man up and talk to her or you both spend your summer miserable."

"Not gonna happen." Luke scooted his chair out with a chuckle. "Cmon on, Quinn, let's go boating."

The boys exited the house, bickering over who would get aux first, leading them to making fun of Luke's music taste.

Luke laughed, loudly, clapping his hands together.

Adi, a couple hundred feet away, could hear it. She didn't even have to look over, she knew that laugh anywhere.

She was frozen, she felt like she couldn't breathe as her body acted quicker than her mind, her eyes quickly flickering over to the back porch.

He stood there, a backwards cap on his head, his dark shorts complementing his springing tan as every time
he chuckled, his abs flexed.

It was almost as if he sensed it, someone staring, he turned his head with confusion.

Their eyes met and everything stopped. Adi could feel her breakfast coming up as he stared at her with dismay.

She stood quickly, gathering her phone before she disappeared inside, feeling her heart began to race as she locked the door behind her, panting for air.

The tears building in her eyes stung as his laugh echoed in her ears, it hadn't changed. The hold that Luke Hughes had on Adi Biue hadn't change, she feared it never would.

plz comment if u wanna see
a jack hughes x fem story following
the plot of the summer i turned pretty
(but juicer)
and also a love triangle w MATT BOLDY
cause holy i wanna get WILD with him 🤗

*ೃ༄ NEVER GROW UP ; LUKE HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now