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THE SECOND that Adi Blue stepped into the room, his hands were tight around, squeezing the life out of her as she attempted to breathe.

"Okay, okay." She patted his back with a short pant. "Christ, Luke, you trying to kill me now?"

Luke flicked his eyes between her light ones, shaking his head as he cupped her cheeks, bringing his lips down to meet hers.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled against them. "I'm so fucking sorry, Adi Blue."

"For?" Adi pulled away, taking a good look at the way his features were pale, filled with worry and regret. "Luke, what's the matter with you?"

"I obviously read them." Luke gestured to the notebook on the bed. "I'm a horrible person. I'm such an idiot. Why would you take me back?"

Adi furrowed her brows, tracing his jawline as his heart raced. "You're not a horrible person, Luke. I was so caught up in my emotion when I was writing those."

Luke dragged her to the bed, knees touching as he held her hands in his lap. "I'm going to make things right this time. I want this, us, to be perfect. To do things the way I should've. I shouldn't have been so selfish with your love."

Adi tilted her head to the side, squeezing his hand gently. "Nothing can ever change the way I love you."

"For you, I'd bleed myself dry." Luke tucked a loose strand of blond behind her ear. "You're the only
person for me."

"I'm yours, Luke. I always have been." Adi smiled, his thumb tracing the dimples in her cheek. "Will you take a short walk with me?"

He followed. Of course he did. She led the two just outside to their dock, hand in hand until they reached the ledge, looking over the dark lake as the stars reflected off the calm waves.

Her lips upturned as she glanced down, her fingernail tracing the ink carving that had worn down over the past few years. "Do you remember doing this?"

Luke glanced down, grinning.


"I really had you wrapped around my finger since day one, huh?" Adi teased, scrunching her nose at the boy slightly.

"Can't remember a day when you haven't." Luke shrugged with pursued lips, his gaze flickering towards the sky as he wrapped his arms around the girl.

Her head fell back into his chest, breathing in his scent. "The next time we'll be here together is next summer."

"Don't remind me." Luke groaned softly, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. We'll make it work, right?"

"We better." Adi teased, pecking his jawline.

Luke spun her around, her back meeting the ledge as their chests touched, he scanned her face, thumbs holding her upright. "I'm sorry for everything."

She shook her head, shushing him. "Stop, Lukey. You don't have to keep apologizing. I'm here, aren't I?"

"You're my favorite person." Luke furrowed his brows, admiration coating his features as he couldn't tear his eyes from her.

"You're mine, too." Adi nodded, leaning up to peck his lips.

The two turned, engulfed in one another as they stared up at the sky, pure blackness with speckles of light. Astronomy was a topic that Adi Blue could babble on about for hours and hours if someone let her, the entire idea of it made her passionate.

Even if she didn't fully understand it, how humans or nature itself was created, she knew it was right.

She was standing under the stars, in the arms of her life. She knew one thing; whoever or whatever created this life, gave her the opportunity to love.

Adi Blue knew no matter what, she'd love him forever in this life and the next if she got lucky. There was no doubt in her mind that they'd find each other, again. In the form of flowers, dogs, or even, stars.

He pressed a kiss to the side of her head, feeling her temple beat against his lips.

one more left.
i don't want to say goodbye
i just love them.

*ೃ༄ NEVER GROW UP ; LUKE HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now