twenty six

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taylor swift



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tagged : dylanduke25, lucafantilli, seamuscasey, markestapa

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tagged : dylanduke25, lucafantilli, seamuscasey, markestapa

liked by helenadiaz, quinnhughes_ and 592 others
adiblue catching u up on my glamorous night (it sucked)


helenadiaz definitely was glamorous 🤣
^ adiblue SHUT UP

markestapa god i love ethan
^ umichhockey don't we all 💘

edwards.73 I AM BEAUTIFUL 💋
^ adiblue look at that smile 🤗

lucafantilli 🫶
❤️ by author

seamuscasey hi blue booger
^ adiblue hi cum drop
^ dylanduke25 PEEING

user3 why didn't luke comment?????
^ user9 i think they broke up lol
❤️ by author
^ user9 and she just confirmed it damn

user2 i have a crush on ur ex

user0 he fumbled


blue bug changed lukey pookie 🫶 to luke
luke changed blue bug to adi

so do u wanna talk or not

i was drunk luke
i shouldn't have called you.

k well u did so
you can't just call me and go back to hating me

i don't hate u.
but i don't want to speak to u
i'm not ready to have that conversation
neither are u.

yea whatever
i don't know why i thought you'd changed.
adi laughed at a message

A GROAN left the girls lips as she set her phone done, sitting crossed-legged in the coffee shop, accompanied by Helena.

"He's a pain in the ass." Helena groaned, shaking her head from the headache caused by Luke Hughes. "So, now what?"

"I don't know." Adi breathed out. "My heads a mess."

She flickered her eyes up, her body halting as the frame of Luca Fantilli entered the coffee shop, hands in his pockets.

Helena could sense the sudden change in her behavior, darting her head around to lay eyes upon the brunette. "Have you guys talked? Like, at all?"

"Nope." Adi rolled her eyes, shifting as she stared down at the cappuccino.

"Hi." A voice above them had them twisting their necks, staring up at the boy. "What are you guys doing here."

Helena stirred her drink with a small shrug. "Just grabbing coffee after class. What's up?"

"Same." Luca nodded, his eyes lingering on Adi's side profile momentarily.

"I should, uh, get going." Adi slung her bag over her shoulder, scooting out from the booth. "Hels, I'll see you later, yeah?"

Helena shot her thumbs up, wiping the crème off her lips.

Luca cleared his throat, following after her as she headed towards the front door. "Wait, Ads."

Adi hummed lowly, turning around, clutching her bag tightly. "Yeah? Is something wrong?"

Luca nibbled on his bottom lip, tapping his foot against the ground. "I think we should talk...about what happened the other night."

She mentally face palmed, her hand inches away from the door handle. "I really would but I should get going."

"You're trying to avoid me." Luca chuckled nervously. "Adi, look...."

"Luca." She cut him off, holding the bridge of her nose. "I'm sorry, okay? I was really drunk and I wasn't thinking straight."

He nodded with a small smile. "I know. I feel the same way. You're really cool but, like, Luke...He's one of my friends and that shit can get messy."

"Thank God." Adi snickered, nodding. "I don't want things to be awkward between us."

"All good." Luca hummed, holding a hand out. "Friends?"

She flickered her eyes between his hand and his eyes. "Friends."

"Oh, and...can we keep what happened between us?" Luca gritted his teeth slightly, a hopeful look in his light eyes.

Adi blinked with a small shake of her head. "Yes. The secret is safe with me."

Luca tapped her elbow gently with appreciation before bidding goodbye, heading back towards the barista as she exited the coffee shop.

She glanced down at her sneakers as she walked, feeling her heart race, thinking about if the mention of them at the bar slipped. Luke would be furious, he would hate her, him, their friends, but maybe Luke wasn't so innocent as he thought.

short one for ya

*ೃ༄ NEVER GROW UP ; LUKE HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now