
2.9K 54 4

gracie abrams

FINALS WERE excruciating. Adi Blue had her fingers rubbing the side of her head, focusing on her temples as she sat in the library, her eyes scanning the notes written in colored ink.

Her eyes flickered over the calendar, subconsciously.

MARCH 30th

Practically four days until he was gone. She had never become so stressed in her life with the pressure of spending time with him and studying.

"Here." A voice made her jump, the warm cup of coffee being placed in front of her. "You're stressing out, Ads. Take it easy."

She groaned softly as Luke sat in front of her. She drank the caffeine, only fueling her headache more.

"Finals stress?" Luke asked, giving her a once over.

Adi nodded, closing her laptop. "Yea. It's a lot."

"Good thing I got to opt out." Luke smiled with a chuckle, attempting to brighten her mood. He failed, miserably.

She forced a smile, rolling her eyes. "Congratulations."

"Woah, Ads." Luke cocked a brow. "I didn't mean to upset you..."

"Give me a break, Luke." Adi shot back, gathering her things in a hurry as she was fighting her tears.

Luke scooted his chair out, the squeak making him
cringe. "I...I'm sorry. I was just trying to make a joke."

"Jokes are supposed to be funny." She had her lips in a tight line as she zipped up her backpack, slinging it around her shoulder.

Luke followed her like a lost puppy out of the library, her clutch on the coffee only becoming tighter. He wrapped around to stand in front of her. "Adi. I'm sorry."

"All good." She clicked her tongue. "I really need to study. You keep distracting me."

"I just wanted to see you." Luke admitted with guilt.

Adi's eyes flashed with pity before she shook her head. "I appreciate it. And the coffee, thanks."

"Of course." He nodded with his hands in his back pockets. "The whole opting out thing was stupid. I know finals are stressing you...I was just trying to make you feel better because I won't take them..."

"Because you're leaving!" Adi snapped, he froze. "You didn't opt out, Luke. You can't opt out of fucking finals. You're leaving. That's why you're not taking it. Say it how it is."

Luke parted his lips in shock at her sudden rage. "Adi.."

"No." She stopped him, holding her hand up. "Stop. This is stupid." She could feel herself breaking as she lifted her finger, pointing between herself and him. "This is stupid."

She walked off, she couldn't bother to hear another word from his mouth. She sped walk to her dorm, practically throwing herself on the bed as she screamed into her pillow.

Helena was wide eyed, placing her iPad down at the muffled yells. "Hello?"

"Fuck off." Adi sniffled, rolling onto her side. "I'm the worst girlfriend ever."

She could hear Helena's bed squeak as the brunette girl joined her, leaning up on her elbow as she peered down at Adi, moving her blonde locks from her face.

"No you're not, Adi Blue." Helena felt for the girl. "You're hurting. He knows you are."

"Then, why is he acting like everything is fine?" Adi furrowed her brows, drying her tears as she flipped onto her back.

Helena breathed lowly. "Do you want him to act like it's not? He's hurting too, Ads. It's Luke...when has he ever been in touch with his emotion?"

"True." Adi chuckled. "There's not a thought between any of the Hughes's eyes."

"Told ya." Helena nudged her. "I'm usually never on his side, not that I am, but...you can't push him away. He loves you and he knows you're pushing yourself away, that's why he's going over the top to see you."

Adi wiped her nose, swallowing. "I snapped on him earlier. I feel so bad."

"He understands." Helena nodded. "He'd be stupid not too. We'll see him tonight and you can make it up to him all you want."

Adi covered her face with a headshake. "If he doesn't hate me."

"He could never hate you." Helena nearly snorted. "He's a 6'2 softie. And he's madly in love with you."

Adi smiled softly. "If you say so."

thank u for 9k ☺️☺️☺️🫶

*ೃ༄ NEVER GROW UP ; LUKE HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now