twenty seven

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olivia rodrigo

GROWING UP next door to your crush was the type of story you'd see onscreen, like a movie you'd replay a millions times wishing that could happen to you.

But when it does, it's more of reality than a dream.

Adi Blue had her window cracked, her piles of pillows allowing her knees to be cushioned as she sat up, using her colorful gel pens to write on her notebook.

She glanced up at the sound of voices next door, squinting her eyes as she shifted, staring out of her window.

There he was, his tall silhouette framing. Even for a barely sixteen year old, he was only getting taller, his hair starting to grow out.

Her stomach whirled as she watched, her heart beating, face dropping as someone else joined him.

Her dark hair was pulled into a tight braid, her eyes big and doe like as they couldn't tare away from his features, his older brother, Jack accompanying the two with a girl underneath his arm.

And turned quickly at the sight, tugging her curtains shut as she squeezed her eyes shut, laying her head against her wall.

She hadn't known how long she'd been there, but with the wind blowing in her room, she could hear the small giggles outside and a car door shutting before the tire screeched.

Her knees to her chest, lying on her side with fresh tears down her cheeks, the patter at her window beside her had her freezing.

She sat up, peeking through her blinds as she could see him, flapping his hands up and down, desperately.

"Luke?" She whisper-shouted, furrowing her brows intently as she stared down at him. "What are you doing?"

"Let me in." He replied before disappearing, heading towards the back of her house, she hurried down her steps.

Adi was quiet as she slid her backdoor open, the breeze made her chill as he stepped inside, his fresh scent invading her as she closed the door.

"Your parents asleep?" He asked, watching her nod as he led her back up to her room, his back lying flat against the door as it shut with a click.

Adi had confusion on her features as he came to sit on her bed, folding his hands with a shy smile. "I really like her."

She paled, the corners of her lips falling towards the floor. "Look at you go, Lukey boy."

He laughed. "Yeah, right? She's really nice and she's totally cool with hockey. My mom likes her too."

"Hm." Adi hummed, her throat going dry as she picked at the loose threads of her bedspread. "That's amazing. I..I, uh, hope it works out for you."

"Thank you, Ads." He reached for her hand, rubbing her knuckles gently.

She wanted to seep at the gentleness of his touch, the way he looked at her could make anyone crumble, fall at his feet, but she couldn't. Because she had already.

Adi Blue could sit here all she wanted, whether she was sixteen, twenty, forty-three, no matter the age or time that'd pass, she would say she didn't care but if she was hooked up to a lie detector, it would sputter the sound of his laughter.

*ೃ༄ NEVER GROW UP ; LUKE HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now