| 003: fake boyfriend |

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The three teenagers walked towards the Motel room, and while Jade was questioning her decision to accompany them, the other two were playfully teasing each other.

"Just give me that John D already!" JJ teased, referring to the tension between his two friends John B and Kiara. "When are you gonna swoop on that, man?"

"Bro, you know the rule!" complained the brunette, pushing his friend away, embarrassed by his teasing. "No Pogue-on-Pogue macking."

The young kook couldn't help but burst into laughter. Despite the nerve-wracking experience of sneaking into the room, she found herself unable to resist the contagious laughter brought on by the playful behaviour of her new friends.

"Besides you're the one always hitting on her!" John B. justified himself.

"Of course I'm hitting on her!" proudly confessed the blond. "She's a super-hot, rich, hippie chick slumming with us!"

The brunette, discouraged by his friend's behavior, rolled his eyes and sighed. Jade, on the other hand, had a proud smile on her face, as his attitude confirmed that her idea of choosing him to make Rafe jealous was perfect.

"Oh, so you're into rich girl, huh?" the girl asked with an amused tone, followed by a wink.

As they reached the door, the boys' attention drifted away, completely absorbed by her flirty behaviour.

"Holy shit man!" whispered the blond, turning to his friend, excited by the tension building up between him and Jade. "Did she just flirt with me?"

The two boys, shocked that a princess kook had just flirted with one of them, looked at each other, their jaw dropping in disbelief.

"Uh guys, are we going in or not?" she chuckled to bring them back to reality.

The boys came back to earth, and boldly ventured inside the Motel room.

"Before you get any ideas, she's mine," JJ warned his friend as he closed the door behind them.

"Didn't she reject you in 5th grade?" John B retorted, teasing him.

As the boys scanned the room, Jade settled herself upon one of the beds.

None of what was in there interested her. All she wanted was to persuade JJ into joining her plan.

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