| 010: remember? |

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010| REMEMBER? |

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Two days had passed since the party and Rafe had made several attempts to apologize for his behaviour, but Jade avoided him at all costs. She was filled with anger and had no desire to see him.

However, there was one person in particular that the Kook princess longed to catch sight of: JJ Maybank. That's why she pleaded with her parents to grant her permission to reunite with her friends. She felt an irresistible urge to see JJ ever since that night.

It's just a friend, that's what Jade kept repeating to herself tirelessly, desperate to convince herself that she felt nothing for the Pogue. Despite her memories being muddled by the abundance of alcohol she had consumed that evening, she remembered every detail with striking clarity.

But if she only saw him as a friend, why was she, at this very moment, at the front of the boat, alongside JJ who was piloting it, instead of helping her friends in the back with the drone?

"Alright, JJ, pin it here," ordered John B, the stress resonating in his voice, eager to find the treasure of the Royal Merchant.

"Roger that! X marks the spot," confidently replied JJ, unconsciously trying to impress the girl standing by his side.

The waves were raging, intensified by a sudden weather tantrum, forcing Jade to desperately cling to a sturdy anchor point to avoid any mishap. While striving to remain still, she attentively observed the blond, completely focused on navigating the boat.

Jade kept reminding herself that she should stop staring, yet she found herself utterly entranced, unable to divert her eyes from him.

He took off his sunglasses, as dark black clouds concealed the sun, and cast a quick glance at the Kook, catching her in the act of observing him. Jade immediately averted her gaze, feeling embarrassed, hoping to hide the blush that was creeping up her cheeks.

"So umm, do you remember what happened after the party?" JJ asked as he redirected his focus to the boat's wheel, also attempting to conceal his embarrassment.

The blond had waited for two days to have this conversation, and he was dying to get a response. However, Jade, on the other hand, wasn't ready yet.

"Uh, I remember our kiss and Rafe running towards us, but that's it..." she nervously lied. "Why?"

A wave of disappointment surged through the boy's body. His hopes were so high that she would remember.
"Oh, I was just wondering if you remembered what John B and I said in the car..." he confessed, trying to conceal his frustration.

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