| 017: night at jj's house |

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Choosing the Pogues over her family might mean losing her home, but Jade didn't care. JJ Maybank was her home.

However, the teenager still needed a place to spend the night. With Kiara's and Sarah's places out of the question, there was only one option left: JJ's house.

After spending most of the night at the hospital with John B after his fall, the duo finally made their way to JJ's place.

"Welcome to my castle, princess," the blond quipped with a playful grin as he dramatically opened the front door, gesturing for Jade to enter with a guiding hand.

JJ's house was a far cry from a castle. With a alcoholic father, the interior was a chaotic mess. The dining and coffee tables were cluttered with empty beer bottles and unwashed dishes. It was a place the Kook would never have imagined stepping into. Even John B's place seemed tidier in comparison.

"Wow," Jade remarked sarcastically, eyeing the chaotic state of the house. Uncertain how to respond without offending the Pogue, she wondered if she should have insisted her parents take her back after all...

Noticing Jade's clear discomfort, JJ awkwardly ran his hand through his messy hair, a nervous tic surfacing. "Yeah... Sorry about the mess," he apologized.

"It's fine..." she lied, attempting to reassure him, though secretly wishing she were anywhere else. "Are you sure your dad won't come back?" she asked, reluctant to cross paths with the man again, knowing full well his displeasure at finding a Kook in his house.

"He hasn't been home for a few days, so he probably won't show up tonight," JJ reassured, nervously walking towards his bedroom door. "Come on, you must be exhausted," he chuckled softly, reminding her how chaotic the day had been.

JJ was right. From the Midsummer event to the argument with Kiara, nearly kissing JJ, and John B's dangerous fall—Jade was indeed exhausted.

She nodded and followed the boy into his room. Once inside, JJ flopped onto his bed while Jade's eyes roamed the space, a realization dawning on her. "So, um, are we both sleeping in your bed?" she asked, nervously fidgeting with her fingers. She'd shared a bed with a boy before, but with JJ, this was a first.

The Pogue instantly sprang up from his bed, realizing he might have made her uncomfortable. JJ was used to bringing girls home and cutting straight to the point. But Jade was different from all the others he had been with.
He was in love with her.

"Oh, we don't have to, I can sleep on the couch—" he stammered before being cut off by the Kook's mocking laugh.

"It's fine, JJ, relax," she chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Can I borrow a shirt? I really don't want to sleep in that dress." As she traced her hands down the curves of her hips, JJ's gaze followed, captivated by the sight.

A playful grin spread across his lips as he pictured her in his clothes, a thought he liked a bit too much. He walked over to his dresser and rummaged through it, pulling out a plain white t-shirt. "Here you go. This should do," he said, turning back to her and handing her the shirt.

Jade took the shirt and turned away from JJ. "Could you unzip my dress, please?" she asked, indicating the zipper she couldn't quite reach herself.

"Of course," JJ replied eagerly, his fingers tracing down the zipper slowly. Jade felt a shiver run through her as JJ's touch trailed lightly along her back.

Once the zipper was down, she turned slowly, coming face to face with a hungry-looking JJ.

The blond stood frozen, speechless. His eyes lingered on her figure, still concealed behind the dress, his mouth slightly parted, captivated by the allure she exuded.

"Turn around, idiot, I need to change!" she teased, playfully gesturing for him to face the other way with a wave of her hand.

JJ snapped out of his thoughts and shook his head to refocus. "Uh, yeah sorry," he muttered nervously, running a hand through his hair as he turned to face the wall.

With JJ standing turned away, Jade couldn't resist a mischievous smile. "What were you daydreaming about?" she teased, slipping off her dress and letting it glide down her body.

"Uh... Do you really want to know?" he asked with a nervous chuckle.

Jade slipped into the oversized t-shirt, letting it drape down to mid-thigh. "Or you could just show me," she suggested, playfully grabbing JJ's arm to turn him towards her.

The blond was struck by the alluring sight of Jade in his t-shirt. Desire filled his eyes, and he arched an eyebrow. "Really?" he exclaimed, taken aback by Jade's bold suggestion. It was an invitation he couldn't resist. He had dreamed of this moment for so long.

Jade responded with a subtle nod and flirtatious eyes, peeking through her lashes. She allowed him to draw closer, each step igniting more fluttering in her stomach. He placed his hands on her hips, gripping them firmly, and locked eyes with her, desire burning in his gaze.

"I love you, Jade," the boy murmured, his face inching closer to hers, his warm breath teasing her lips.

Jade's heart skipped a beat. She took a deep breath, a wide smile breaking across her face, before she replied, "I love you too, JJ," exhaling softly as their kiss drew near.

"Hope we don't get interrupted this time," the boy grinned mischievously. In less than a heartbeat, he closed the gap, pressing his eager lips against Jade's, sweeping her into a fiery, passionate kiss.

JJ seized the hem of Jade's t-shirt, which draped over her thighs, and lifted it up to her hips, unveiling more of her figure. With his hands firmly on her hips, he anchored the shirt in place before gently guiding her onto his bed, maintaining the closeness of their lips.


A/N: AAAAH JJ AND JADE ARE OFFICIALLY TOGETHER!!! But how long is it going to last😏? I'm sorry if this chapter was short, I just felt like this moment deserved a whole chapter for itself

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A/N: AAAAH JJ AND JADE ARE OFFICIALLY TOGETHER!!! But how long is it going to last😏?
I'm sorry if this chapter was short, I just felt like this moment deserved a whole chapter for itself.
If you guys love Rafe (or if you love the tending to wounds trope) you're gonna love the next chapter!

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