Chapter 9: Confession Time

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*Nikita's POV*

My eyes fluttered open and I instantly shut them again, tightly as a bright light hit my vision. I know it wasn't from outside, considering the fact that it's still dark when dawn hits. My head was pounding. I slowly rummaged out of bed, and started to walk out the room with my eyes still shut. That was a stupid idea because I kept bumping into walls and doors. Am I telling me that I don't know my own house by now? I allowed my eyes to shoot open so I can see where I was at. I looked around the unfamiliar room. Where was I? A loud groan escaped my mouth, once last night's memories flashed back. The last thing I remember was Ms. Snare-or Natasha, I guess, rehabilitating me. I looked down at my body. I was in a green Eagles t-shirt and black leggings. Yep, definitely mine. A voice called to me from my kitchen, making me jump.

"Hey Nikita. Good morning." Natasha said, grinning.

"Good morning." I replied, still holding my thumping head.

Did she sleep over at my house last night? I became excited, by the thought of her sleeping over, not to mention, she was in my bed with me. I had bruises on my wrists and biceps and I shuddered, as all my memories came rushing back to me, thinking about what happened last night, at Kevin's party. I didn't even want to know what my face looked like. My face felt very faint as I walked over to my linen closet to look for my bottle of painkillers. I took out the bottle from one of the shelves and began to shake it to see if I had any pills left and heard nothing from it. The bottle was completely empty. I began to cuss in Spanish, only to be stopped by a gesture of repressed rage. I angrily threw the bottle on the ground and stomped on it. It felt good taking my anger out on my empty pill bottle because it reminded me of Ronnie and the pain he caused me.

"Nikki, is everything okay back there?" Natasha called to me.

"Yeah, everything's fine." I replied, holding my aching face.

My mind started to wander back to last night, after the party. No wonder why I had such a good sleep. It wasn't the first time that I went to bed and not woken up in the middle of the night because of some nightmare. Everything started coming back to me as my headache began to get worse. I faintly remembered being in bed with Natasha, with her arms wrapped securely around me. It was probably all a dream. A damn good one, might I add. I managed to stumble to my kitchen, feeling super tired. I sat on one of my stools, as my eyes caught sight of Ms. Snare, standing at my stove, cooking breakfast. She looked so damn fine when she cooks as my eyes quickly landed on her butt.

"Mine eyes have seen your glory." I thought to myself.

The smell of bacon and eggs enlightened me with its tempting scent. My mouth watered. I was so hungry, my stomach was killing me. My eyes were still glued to Natasha, as my tongue glided from one side of my mouth to the next. She had on a green Eagles shirt and black leggings like I did. Wow, she looked so gorgeous, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. I forced my eyes back up to her beautiful face, only to be met by her beautiful hazel eyes that held an amused expression. Shit, she just watched me, basically drooling over her. I felt my cheeks heat up and she chuckled as I almost lost my balance and fell off the stool.

"Were you just checking me out?" Natasha asked, amusingly.

"No." I lied, puckering my lips. My heart melted.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Yeah right." She muttered, laughing.

I had to laugh as well but I grabbed my mouth, trying not to make it too obvious that I was still in pain from last night. It killed to just talk. You can't always sleep off pain, you know.

Her enthusiastic expression changed though, when she stared at me a long while.

"Your face, Nikita." She pointed out, setting down the frying pan.

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