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Sebastian Pierce

Truth be told I dont even know why i'm here. I hated my step father and hated my mother even more. I simply don't care enough about them to attend their funeral. My aunt, my mothers sister, had called me. I'm more surprised that they still even had my number.

Actually that's a lie. I do know why i'm here. I am here for my sister. Not a day went pass where I didn't think of her. I always knew i wouldn't get to see or meet the woman she would become. Even if i did, i gathered she would resent me or at the very least feel awkward around me. I doubt she remembers me though, which is even more gut wrenching. I would rather her loathe me then not know me.

"You can go and comfort her, y'know" My aunt stood beside me, pointing to my sobbing sister. My sisters puffy eyes and red nose matched my aunts. "Oh yes. Like a 30 year old man hugging a 12 year old girl isn't creepy at all" I said flatly.

She let out a wet chuckle "I see that the billions of dollars haven't made you loose your sarcasm" I sighed and faced my aunt "Why did you call me here Kira? You and I both know I couldn't give two shits about Elizabeth passing."

"Kira and Elizabeth huh?" My aunt finally looked me in my eyes "Well she wasn't much of a mother to me nor you an aunt." I replied "Fair enough" She shrugged.

Kira wanted to say something. The hesitation on her face was clear as day. "Spit it out. I haven't got all day" I wanted to leave this wretched home as soon as I could. She sighed "I can't raise her. I'm too fucked in the head. My Bipolar disorder has only grown worse with years, and I don't make enough money to take care of myself let alone a child."

"What about her grandparents?" I inquired further "Yijins parents died a few years back" She glanced back at Adellai. "Fucking hell Kira, this is all too-"

"It's either you or the foster care system!"

I glared at her "You would rather her end up in foster care then look after your niece?" Why am i surprised? She was always like this. "And you would rather run from her again then provide her with a financially stable, and healthy environment? Don't judge me when your equally as worse." She accused. She had a point.

"The kid doesn't even remember me for fucks sake, but you want to pluck her out of everything and everyone she does know so soon after her parents death and send her to a different continent?" I scowl. "She doesn't have much here. She's homeschooled and only has ome friend and I haven't exactly been a doting aunt"

I ran a hand through my hair, a nervous habit a developed when i was a teenager. "Fuck" I whisper "Fine, give me some time to think on it" I sighed "Thanks kid, this is for the best-" i cut her off "But. You will be breaking the news to her that she has a brother and dont tell her why i left. I dont want her view on her mom changing"

She nodded and began to leave. I ran my hand through my hair once more, certain that whatever styling i did in the morning has now been disheveled "Its nice knowing she's in safe hands" Kira said at last and disappeared.


Sorry this is so short but i promise i will write longer chapters from now on.

dont forget to like the chapter or else the following emojis will be you: 😵🔫

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