05: Waffles and Frosted Flakes

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Adellai didn't imagine her first official day living with her brother would start with a huge pile of coursework on her desk.

She had been woken up at 7am by Gabriel "Miss Zhao if you could please freshen up in 30 minutes, then i will be bringing you downstairs for breakfast" He said through the door as Adellai rubbed her eyes, inaudibly grumbling about being woken up so early.

"I'll be there in a bit!" She shouted out. She groaned and slumped back onto the bed "Who wakes up this early during summer vacations" She mumbled to herself and dragged herself to the bathroom.

After washing her face and brushing her teeth, Adellai wondered if she could just go downstairs in her PJs because thats what she did back home.

She then came to the decision it would be best if she wore casual clothes and see if anyone else was wearing PJs, then she could wear whatever she wanted from tomorrow.

7:30 on the dot, Gabriel knocked again "Miss Zhao are you ready? If not i can give you another half an hour?" Adellai swiftly opened the door and looked up at a slightly startled Gabriel "No need" She smiled.

"Thank you for your punctuality Miss. The boy ought to learn a thing or two from you" He grumbled to himself and Adellai gave him a small chuckle because she didn't know what else to say.

He led her downstairs to the dining area because she wasn't familiar with the house yet.

Oh how she was dreading breakfast! If it was another 30 minutes of awkward silence like last night she would rather starve to death!

She came downstairs and saw Declan and Sebastian dressed in suits that were almost identical to her 12 year old, uninterested mind but definitely weren't. However, Declans straight hair was styles and slicked back while Sebastian curls looked shiny and didn't need any styling as they were cropped close to his scalp.

"Good morning, sweetie" Declan smiled "I hope you slept well. What would you like for breakfast? We have eggs, bacon, and baked beans or pancakes, waffles, and cereal?" He asked.

"I slept well thank you for asking-" Before Adellai could tell him what she would like for breakfast, Oliver interrupted her "How come I don't get the sweet options?" His hair was disheveled and he was still in PJs.

Cameron and Levi entered the dining room, who were dressed in casual clothes contrasting Oliver. Cameron spoke up " Because you said you needed to eat eggs and stuff for breakfast so you can build muscle and to keep anything without protien 6 feet away from you" He lightly smacked his little brother on the head and shoved a waffles in his face.

Oliver groaned loudly and slumped his head back onto the table. "I don't want to go to the gym anymore" His voice came out muffled.

Levi looked at the lack of manners from his older brother in disgust "Atleast wash you hands, you pig" He muttered to which Cameron just showed him the bird.

"Please don't swear or do anything thats not child friendly infront of the child" Declan chided. Sebastian was busy talking to someone on his phone but he did reiterate Declans point by glaring at them which Oliver ignored.

"You and Sebastian always swore infront of us when we were her age and younger." Oliver pointed out.

Declan rubbed the brigde of his nose "Which i regret everyday."

Adellais' eyes bounced between the two. She wanted to tell them she wasn't a child. She was going to be turning 13 years old next year. A teenager! Thats practically an adult!

"Darling, what would you like for breakfast?" Declan asked once more "Waffles, please. And do you have frosted flakes?"

"Ofcource Addy, we're not animals" He let out an overdramatized scoff to which she smiled at "Oh um, just Adellai is fine"
Sebastians brows furrowed at that and he glanced at her.

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