04: Stereotypical Butler

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Adellai hoped the dinner wasn't as uncomfortable for them as it was for her. Apparently nobody in this family did small talk other than Declan. Not that she was any better.

She tried to keep up with Gabriels long strides as he led her to Sebastians office. She had tried to stall a little longer by asking Gabriel to help with the dishes but he just smiled softly at her and said 'no need'. Adellai couldn't help but let a tiny part of her be mad at him. She knew he was just doing his job but still!

As they were walking to Sebastians office (speed-walking in Adellais case. Seriously how was this man covering so much distance while walking at the same pace as her?!) She finally got a good look at Gabriel.

To put it simple, Gabriel looked like every stereotypical butler in a cartoon. British, skinny, white, grey thinning hair, wrinkles around his eyes, forehead and smile lines, with the ocasional brown-ish spot on his face, and he was wearing a suit and tie with a waist coat.

The only thing missing was a monocle, a cloth draped on his arm and a cane.

They arrived at Sebastians Office and Gabriel took the liberty to knock "Miss Zhao is here" He opened the door after he heard a faint "Come in" throught the door. He gestured Adellai in because she was hesitating.

The door shut with a click behind her and Sebastian gestured her to a chair opposite him. She took her place and stared directly at the fisted hands on her thighs. "I cannot express to you how happy we are to have you here, but i do apologize for the circumstances it was under"

"S' fine" She said looking up at him. It was hard for her to look at him. Their resemblance made her hope that she might still be here. Even though it couldn't be further from the truth. Adellai being here meant her family were dead.

"I hope you feel comfortable here Adellai. Comfortable enough to call this place your home" She wanted to yell at him This stuffy mansion in the middle of the woods wasn't her home. Her house by the beach in California was. She will never call this place home.

Adellai didn't know where all these bitter feelings were coming from. She didn't feel like this a few hours ago. Heck, she didn't ever feel like this. She never felt bitter towards anyone. Not even her aunt.

She swallowed these feelings and burried them deep down and smiled at her brother.

"With that being said, I do have rules." He looked at her to see any signs of defiance but she just smiled. Adellai didn't mind rules. Her parents didn't have any rules for her as she was an obedianf child, but her friend Oscar was an example of why parents kept rules for their children.

Sebastian continued "I expect you to keep your room tidy, however a cleaner will come every three days to clean the bathrooms. I expect you to treat Declan, Cameron, Levi and I with respect and we will do the same with you. I am a firm believer that respect is earned and not given so if you feel like we have violated you in some way please come to me. Oliver can be a bit unpredictable but if he is disrespectful towards you then come to either Declan or I for that. Your bed time will be 10pm on school nights and 11pm on weekends"

"Regarding studies, you will have your entrance exam at Marionette Private School in two weeks and will shortly start school after that as summer vacation is coming to an end. I trust that you will do well given that-"

"Im sorry, but i will be going to school?" Her eyes widened.

"Yes. I'm aware that you were homeschooled previously but I do believe that going to school is essential for a childs social skills."

"O...ok" She said hesitantly.

He hummed and continued "Now as I was saying, I trust that you will do well considering your academic record, however if you do feel the need for assistance, ask Cameron or I can hire an online tutor. I will have Gabriel send the courcework up to your room"

Adellai was starting to feel dizzy with all of this information. Sure she was good at home schooling but she was meant to give an entrance exam at a private school. The study level of homeschooling and private schooling were worlds apart!

"Now rules for school"

She can't keep up with all of this.

"I expect you to not to get into fights, both verbal and physical. If anyone is bothering you, please come to me directly. If  you are bothering someone else, that will also not be tolerated. If you can't keep up with school work then again, please go to Cameron or come to me for an online tutor. And this goes without a saying but I would still like to get it out there, no girlfriends or boyfriends till you are 16. Am i understood?"

He sped past the rules so fast that she probably didn't but she said yes anyways.
"May I be excused now?" She said softly.

He thought about it and said "One more thing before you leave" Great, more rules.

His eyes softened "I truly am happy your here Adellai. I have been told i'm not expressive and come off as reserved but I want you to know that even if i don't show it, I have missed you greatly and i'm so happy to be your big brother again."

Adellai didn't know what to say. So she just nodded and Sebastian got the hint so he gestured towards the door.

She beelined towards the exit and opened the door but just before leaving, said "I've always wanted an older brother" And with that she left as Gabriel silently led her to her room.


So this episode was short but i js wanted to put something out before exams take over my life
I know the chapter is kind of boring cus it mainly js has rules in it but idk man 🤷‍♀️

what character do we wanna see more of? or see Adellai interact w more

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