03: Bash and Declan

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hey bitches, Im here to give a long awaited character list which i may or may not hve forgotten to add in the prologue :)

this includes their names, age, race and their living status.

sebastian pierce
age: 29

Declan Lockwood
half white, half asian

Cameron Lockwood
age: 21
half white, half asian

Levi Lockwood
half white, half asian

Oliver Lockwood
half white, half asian

Adellai Zhao
half black, half asian

Elizabeth Zhao (Adellai and Sebastians mother)

Yijin Zhao (Adellais father)

Adellai wanted to sink into herself. Her brother and her brother-in-law were home. She knew because Cameron had knocked on her door to inform her that Sebastian and Declan were home and were washing up. They would have dinner 30 minutes later.

They had arrived about an hour and 30 minutes after 5. She didn't like it when people were not punctual but in this case she wished they would stay out a little longer.

She sighed and dragged herself up to check one last time in the mirror. She looked presentable-ish. Her eyes were puffy and she had tear streaks running down her cheeks which she promptly wiped away with the sleave of her shirt. All of this because a guys  car breaks stopped working.

She glanced over at the pile of shopping bags Gabriel had brought over 30 minutes ago and sighed. Adellai made her way doenstairs towards the dining area and she definitely didn't get lost for a second.

She reached the dining area and saw the heads of the table empty while Cameron and Levi sat on one side and Oliver opposite to Levi. She gathered she had to sit beside Oliver so she did, however she would rather be stung by bees and have no EpiPen available then sit next to him.

So to put it in simpler words, she would rather die.

She had gathered Oliver wasn't fond of her. Or even tolerate her for that matter. The grunt and slew of curses he let out when she sat down beside him was proof enough.

"Bash and Declan will be down in a bit" Cameron said. She had gathered Cameron was also just being nice to her. He hadn't made any attempts to know her or even make conversation. She had interacted with her Aunt Kira enough times to know what an empty formal smile looked like.

Adellai muttered a barely audible 'okay'. They settled into an uncomfortable silence. Well uncomfortable for Adellai atleast, she gathered Levi was perfectly content with his air pods. Lucky.

She glanced around the table and really took in their appearance for the first time. She had been to on gaurd when she met them for lunch, but her conversation with Levi earlier had relaxed her quite a bit.

Oliver And Levi looked nothing alike. Where Levi had jet black hair and dark siren eyes, a strong contrast to his deathly pale skin, Oliver had dirty blonde hair and big doe eyes as green as jade which complimented his olive skin perfectly. Cameron was a mix of the both of them, with jet black hair and green eyes with a neutral canthal tilt.

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