02: Boss Baby, back in business

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Adellai returned to her room with alot on her mind. After they had confirmed her brother was married to Declan Lockwood they continued to eat. Oliver put on Brooklyn 99 on the gigantic TV screen and Cameron chided him to put on something from family friendly so they settled on Boss Baby back in business.

Levi couldn't careless.

It was fair to say it was a rather awkward lunch specially after the revelation that her brother was married. She wanted to know why her brother wasn't in contact with her mom. What had happened between them for him to completely cut off all ties. To hate her so much that he didn't even want to invite her to his wedding.

Shw felt her eyes swell with tears. Her aunt didn't want her, her brother definitely doesn't like her, her parents were dead and she was living in a house filled with strangers who seemed annoyed by her. She was truly all alone.

The days leading upto today, the only thing that kept her from crying to sleep every night was the excitement of finally having a sibling. She never really understood why Oscar would whine about his younger sisters, she thought having younger siblings would be amazing, if not then slightly better then being an only child.

She always begged her parents for a sibling but they would always exchange a look she could never decipher and say "maybe one day but not today."

Ironice, isn't it? She finally has a sibling, something she has wanted her whole life, and now that she finally has it she wants nothing more than to run.

She put a pillow over her face and groaned loudly while kicking her legs up and down on the bed.

She could not stay in her room or she would continue to spiral. She seemed to be doing that alot after her parents death.

She slowly creaked the door open and peaked to her right to see if any one was out. "Hey" Her eyes widened as she whipped her head to her left and saw Levi standing infornt of what she assumed was his room. "What're you doing?" He lifted a brow.

"Just looking." She paused and gestured her hands around herself "looking around." she swallowed

He looked her up and down and then squinted his eyes through his glasses at her "You don't have many friends, do you?"

Her mouth went agape. Yes she didn't have many friends, but she didn't know you could just go around saying stuff like that without getting punched in the face. He cracked a smile "Relax, i don't mean it as an insult but rather an observation."

She looked down at her feet "Oh" She still couldn't help but feel disappointed. She wanted to make more friends, she really did! She just rarely ever left the house and her parents strongly dissapproved of having online friends.

They stood in an awkward silence, Adellai tried her best to look anywhere but Levi but he was insistent on burning a whole through her head. He looked like he was having a discussion with himself in his mind.

He finally broke the 3 minute silence but sighing and running a hand through his hair "Would you like to come into my room and hangout" His lips thinned into a line.

After the past three weeks, Adellai was used to this. People inviting her to do stuff because they pitied her. Oscar thought people did that so she could get her mind of her parents. She agreed with that theory as it made sense.

Truth be told, she hated it but appreciated it at the same time. She liked the distraction, pretending like nothing was wrong.

"Yes, i'd like that" She gave a faint smile. Maybe it was inconsiderate to take him up on his offer when she knew he only made it out of pity. He probably had better things to do. However she honestly just needed to be out of her room or she would continue to cry while watching Teen Titans Go.

He held his door open for her as she made her way inside. Woah. He had so many clay sculptures. Some lined up by the window, drying in the sunlight. Some sculptures carefully set on the ground, and some clay pots piled up on a desk. In the very corner of his room sat piled and piled of clay and a pottery wheel on a very large tarp taped to the ground and wall.

"I would say I would've cleaned up if i knew i was planning to invite you inside but i would be lying. I never clean my room. Also please be careful not touch anything."

"I would never! These are so beautiful and intricate! Im scared to just be standing in the same room as them!" Adellais eyes twinkled.

Levi grew pink in the cheeks and ears "The're alright" He scratched the nape of his neck. He gestured towards his bed for adellai to sit down "Get comfortable" He murmured as he threw himself on his bed "by the way, Gabriel will bring your shopping bags upstairs in like 30 minutes. I think he's busy right now"

She nodded as she continued to oogle at the sculptures and they fell into a comfortable silence. Well comfortable for Adellai, Levi on the other hand was twiddling his thumbs as the awkward silence was killing him.

"So is this your passion or just a hobby?" She finally tore her eyes away from the sculpture as she asked Levi. "Oh um its just a hobby, i dont know, maybe i'll make a job out of it someday but right now i like where im at"

She hummed "What about you? Do you have any hobbies?" He questioned her, trying to keep the conversation going. Levi hated awkward silences.

"I lived on the beach so i surfed. Alot. Like almost everyday." Levi sucked in a breath "Oof. We don't exactly live near the beach. Maybe two hour ride to the nearest beach here and even then, england doesn't exactly have beach-y weather."

"Eh i don't mind. The only reason i took up surfing was because i spent most of my time inside my house. It was convenient because my parents didn't like me playing video games, and i already do online schooling so staying on my phone was mind killing for me after school work and i hate reading. So the only thing left is surfing"

"That must've been boring. Do you have any friends? Must be difficult to make some cus of home schooling."

She nodded her head "It is. But i already have a best friend. His nams is Oscar. Our parents worked together, thats how we met." Her eyes lit up as she talked about Oscar.

Levi smiled softly "Yeah? Is he nice?"

For thr first time in 10 minutes Adellai stopped triddling her thumbs and made eye contact with Levi. She nodded firmly "The nicest."


I cannot wait for u people to meet Oscar. He is such a sweetheart 🎀



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