08: Batman or Robin?

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Adellai avoided Sebastian at all cost for a week after that emotional fiasco of a dinner. She was so embarrassed.

The man had just asked her how her preparation for her entrance exam was going and she blew it way out of proportion. She had just been so stressed out about everything and she had been bottling up her feelings so much that it just came out all at once.

She even stopped interacting with Levi as much. Not that they were even friends in the first place. If we're being honest, he was just trying to be nice.

Her only friend was (Adellai assumed his age because of his greying hair) the 60 year old butler.

She felt like batman except less cool. And her favourite pass time wasn't wearing her underwear on the outside, dressing up as a bat, and fighting crime. And he did the adopting rather then being adopted.

So maybe more like Dick Grayson?

Nevertheless, it was a day of her entrance exam and she wasn't sure she was going to get in. Failing it would be humiliating, not for her but for her brother.

After talking to Ozzy that day, she decided to google him. He was a black, openly gay, millionaire (she assumed because he had a private jet) so he must have some articles written about him.

However there weren't just a few. There were hundreds. Thousands even. Even some social media posts were available.

Turns out it proved to be useful because she found out her brother was not a millionaire.

He was a billionaire.



A billion dollars.

That was alot of money.

And not only that, there were a few articles written about Adellai aswell.

"Estranged sister of gay, billionaire, tech wiz, Sebastian Pierce, REVEALED"

The headline had read. She didn't like that. She didn't like that there had been articles written about her.

She didn't like that she was being talked about like she was a shameful secret that Sebastian couldn't hide anymore.

But to be honest, she was exactly just that. A shameful secret Sebastian couldn't hide anymore. Atleast it felt like it.

When she read the article she went into a frenzy and couldn't breathe. That day she called Oscar once again, and he coaxed her through it.

She decided that day, that she wouldn't humiliate Sebastian any further. He had the public eye on him and she didn't wish to tarnish his reputation. Things must already be difficult for him to be a gay, person of color.

Which is why she felt guilty for blowing up on him a week ago.

"Come in!" She answered when someonehad knocked on her door. She was expecting Gabriel or Levi but surprisingly it was Declan.

"Hey, are you ready?" He spoke to her like she was a frightened wild animal who would run at the most sudden hints of movements.

"As ready as I can be." She smiled at him softly "Will Gabriel be dropping me off at the entrance exam?"

"No he's busy, the boys aswell, so i'll drop you off. Is that okay with you?" He smiled softly which she returned "Yes, ofcource" The choice was comforting to have.

She liked him way better then Sebastian. How on earth did they end up together, Adellai wondered.

Yes, she and Declan didn't exchange that many conversation in the 3 weeks she had been here, but he was kind and patient with her. He didn't push her to finish her meals nor did he force unwilling conversations or confrontations onto her.

Why was Oliver always so grumpy when he had such a charming older brother? If her brother was more like Declan, she would be as happy as she could be during this time without her parents.

Sure, they didn't talk as much but atleast he had the decency to smile.

She grabbed her pencil case, lazily tied her shoe laces and made her way to him. She looked up and smiled at him "I'm ready" He smiled back, his cheeks dimpling as he opened the door for me.

One thing thats been a common practice since she arrived here, she has never had to open a door herself. If she's with someone, they will always open it for her. Even Oliver.

Declan led her to his car. It was a shiny, expensive looking, and black.

"Are you nervous?" He started pulling out of the drive way, Adellai glanced away from the window to look at him "Not really no" I'm a terrible liar, She thought. Declans lips quirked "Are you sure? I know I would be if I were you."

"Truly. I'm not." She didn't know if she was trying to convince herself or him. Either way it was not working as Declan hummed, clearly not comvinced.

"You know, you don't have to get a really high score, just getting above 50% will do. Sebastian and I make tremendous donations to the school, for Olivers recklessness. Previously it was for Levi and before him it was for Cameron. So by default you're already accepted, the entrance exam is just a formality."

Adellai thought long amd hard before responding "Should....should you be telling me this?" She asked, uncertain. Declans face looked guilty "No" He dragged it out a little "Sebastian told me not to tell you."

"Ah" She replied, uncertain of what to do with this information. He saw the look on her face "Don't hold it againt him though." He countered quickly. "Sebastian has had to fight tooth and nail to get to where he is now, he believes strongly in earning your place in the world, thats why he didn't want to tell you."

"That's understandable." Adellai just wanted this conversation to be over, and Declan was able to take the hint as they continued to drive in silence.

The drive itself was 15 minutes long, which was convenient. She wasn't used to waking up so early in the morning, so this would help.

She got out of the car and came face to face with huge buildings. This would be her new school. Fuck.


All eyes on Rafah 🍉

Sorry it took so long. I was enjoying academic freedom. Just finished my IGCSE's!!!!!!

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