06: Oscar Morales

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"So he wants you to lie to your butler or whoever?"

"Yes! And I don't know what to do!" She whined as she spoke into her phone.

"Just lie. It's not like you never lied to you parents" Oscar replied.

"Ok but if I lie and Sebastian finds out then he'll never trust me but if I don't lie then Oliver, Levi, and Cameron will know i'm a snitch and then probably start to hate me and won't talk to me anymore!"

"Then if your butler asks where he is just say you don't know, it's like you said, you guys aren't exactly close" He says it like it's the most obvious thing in the world...which it is.

"But-" She goes to argue back but thinks about it for a second "Oh. Okay. Yes, that works" Adellai finally calms down.

He sighs into his phone "Y'know ever since you left Addy, I feel like you've been panicking over the most stupid stuff"

Adellai said dryly "My parents just died and i'm living with a brother I didn't know existed aswell as his husband and his in-laws. Give me a break"

He groaned "Are you gonna use the dead parents card everytime now?"

"Yes. And are you going to just skim over the brother part?" She questioned.

"Please" She could feel him roll his eyes "You're living in a mansion. You have a butler, man. So what if you have to deal with a couple jerks"

She scoffed "Goodness Ozzy! You're so-" Somebody knocks on her door "Hey, I'll call you back. Someones at the door." She doesn't wait for him to reply and hangs up.

She opens the door to be met with Levi, whose hair is disheveled, his glasses have smudged finger prints, and he's shirtless besides the apron he's wearing which is covered in clay residue.

"Who were you talking to?"

"My friend, Oscar. I told you about him yesterday. Why?"

"Right, right. Sorry I just thought you're courcework made you insane for a second."

She looked guilty "I-uhm actually haven't started yet."

His eyebrows furrowed "Is it giving you trouble, I can call Oliver to help you-?"

Adellai's eyes widened "No no it's not that it's giving me trouble" She thinks about it for a second "Well yes, it is giving me trouble but the main problem is that i've been kind of procrastinating, cus of the adjustment period n' stuff" she twiddled her thumbs.

They stand in silence as Levi thinks of what to do, but Adellai just wanted this interaction to be over "If thats all?"

He snaps out of thought "Oh yeah, yeah sorry. Get back to your friend. See you at lunch" She smiled at him as she inched the door to a close.

She let out a sigh as soon as she placed the lock on her door and slumped to the ground. She hadn't completely lied to Levi to avoid calling Oliver. Yes, the courcework was difficult but she was also having trouble getting up and actually studying. All she wanted to do was lay in bed and not do anything. Ever since her parents died thats all she ever wanted to do.

Talking to people was a chore. Even her bestfriend, the person she has known since she was a toddler, feels like a chore. Adellai thought she was the most despicable person in the world. What good person thinks talking to the person who cares about them the most, is a chore?

A terrible person with no regards to the feelings of others. Thats who. Atleast thats what she thought.

She felt tears prick her eyes and sighed to herself. She was just so tired. It was exhausting just living anymore. It's not that she wanted to die, she really, truly, didn't want to die. But she just didn't have the energy to live anymore.

Now that the overwhelming feelings of moving here were starting to wear off, she was back to how she was feeling in California.

But she was being selfish. Atleast thats what she thought. How could she feel this way when her brother graciously opened his home to her and agreed to adopt her and take care of her till she was eighteen?

How could she feel this way when she had a best friend who would check on her almost everyday to make sure she was doing ok and would make his parents fly out here with him if she needed some normalcy despite his own home life.

Adellai didn't know for how long she was just slumped againts her door and let tears fall down her face but it by the time she stopped her eyes were sore.

She opened her phone to be met with big, bold, numbers reading 11:57 and several notifications from Oscar.


Girl where are you??????

Who was at the door????????¿

Did you get kidnapped!??


I give up 😞

whoever kidnapped addy please give me her organs so i xan sell them on yhe blackmarket 😞🤞🤞🤞

Omg im fine 🙄🙄🙄🙄 let me do my courcework

Adellai needed to stop thinking like this. Atleast for now. She needed to focus on the courcework to earn her place at the table. She needed to prove she was worth the sacrifice. She couldn't give up.


sorry this chapter is late. ive been busy with ramadan and eid and now im gonna have finals in 2 weeks which will last till end of may so probably wont be alot of updates.

free palestine 🍉

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