01: Heartbroken

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Adellai was heartbroken. Heartbroken that her parents died. Heartbroken that she had to leave her life in California behind to live in England. Heartbroken that she had to leave her bestfriend. Heartbroken that her aunt would rather her live with a stranger then with her. Heartbroken that her mother hid her older brother from her.

That entire plane ride to England was heartbreaking aswell. It was her first time on an airplane but it wasn't supposed to be. Her first time on an airplane was supposed to be in august when she was supposed to visit China with her parents. She had always wanted to know more about the place her father grew up in. But it was useless now; her father was dead. Deceased. Expired. Six feet under. And other synonyms thesaurus.com could conjure up.

However, her mother did always say to look on the brightside. Adellai supposed flying in a private jet was pretty cool. Both her parenrs were doctors, surgeons to be specific, so ofcource her family wasn't struggling by any means, but a private jet was something she could only dream of and-

"Adellai?" She spun around at the sound of her name, a little too fast and made herself dizzy. "Gabriel?" The man nodded. She looked at the picture on her phone then the man standing infront of her "Allow me to formally introduce myself Miss Zhao, I am Gabriel Smith, your older brothers driver" The accent caught her off gaurd "Nice to meet you Mr Smith" She tried to conjure her best 'people smile' "May I assist you with your bags miss?" His face remained void of any emotion "No thankyou." She didn't like other people touching her stuff, it grossed her out. "Well then, the car is this way"

Though the mans face matched the picture her brother had sent her, she still felt like she was being kidnapped. After all she had watched enought movies to know that hyper realistic latex masks exist. But then again, why would anybody want to kidnap someone as insignificant as her.

The man- Mr Smith, glanced at her through the rearview mirror. Yep, she was definitely going to he kidnapped, raped, or murdered. Or all of the above.

Her mother taught her to never talk to strange men and if she ever got lost, she was supposed to go up to a woman with children and ask her for help. And not  a month goes by after her mothers death and she's not only disobeying her but is doing the exact opposite!

"We have arrived."  Mr Smith says, jolting her out of her thoughts. She released a breath she didn't know she was holding and glanced at her phone. 30 minutes of continuous spiraling, thats a new record.

She got out a tried to reach for her luggage but the man just put his hand up "Miss your room is on the 2nd floor, let a few others and I handle your suitcases" He said handing her, her rucksack. She mumbled a small thankyou and let Mr smith lead the way to her room.

She honestly should not have been surprised at the sheer size of her brothers house- mansion actually, after riding in a private jet, but she couldn't help it. The mansion was surrounded by woods, a strong contrast to her beach house in california which was honestly- woah. The had a fountain. An actual, friggin, fountain.

The inside was as beautiful as the outside. It looked like a palace. She tried not to oogle to much and seem rude. Her bestfriend, Oscar, had suggested googling her older brother but at the time she decided against it as she wanted to make up her own opinion on her brother.

"Mr Pierce and Mr Lockwood are at work right now but will be home by 5 o' clock, and the Young Masters have gone shopping right now and will be back by 3 o' clock. Would you like anything to eat or drink Miss?"

Mr Lockwood and young masters?

"Oh no thankyou. I'm feeling a bit jet lagged so i'll probably just sleep" No she wouldn't. Yes she was jet lagged but she physically would not be able to sleep untill all her clothes are neatly placed in her closet, she has taken a shower, and double checked her room for anything out of place. "Very well then, you have my number so please don't hesitate to call me if you need to drink or eat something or just get lost in the house. Sleep well Miss." Her bedroom door shut with a click and she immediately locked it.

Adellai was absolutely certain her 'people smile' looked absolutely horrid at this point. She wasn't used to being around people for so long. Her parents were always at work, she was homeschooled and took her lessons on pre-recorded videos, and she would commune with Oscar through texts and they would talk on call once a week and meet in person every two weeks.

She saw her three very gigantic suitcases and decided she could be a clean freak after 30 minutes when her mind started focusing a bit more. She kicked of her shoes and collapsed onto bed and immediately groaned.

This was her life now. Sleeping in a gigantic bed in a gigantic room with a walk-in closet and a gigantic bathroom. This house felt so empty. Living with what she assumed would be four people. Her brother and some guy names Mr lockwood and the 'Young masters'.

Tears fell down her cheeks and soaked in to the pillow as her eyes drifted to sleep


Sleep is scarce when all you can do is have nightmares about your parents. Adellai shot awake, her breathing laboured. It was 2:30. She had slept for one and a half hour and was covered in cold sweat.

She needed to shower before the young masters got home.

She entered the bathroom and her nose was assulted by the strong scent of Tuberoses. Her eyes bounced around the room when she spotted an air freshner attached to the vent above the toilet. She stood up on the toilet seat and immediately removed it and placed it in a cabinet.

She did not need her allergies acting up.

After showering she fussed over her outfit. It needed to be perfect. Normally, Adellai wore PJs around the house, despite her parents constant chiding about appearances. It's not like she ever left the house, and nobody ever came over besides Oscar. She settled on a forest green T-shirt, paired with blue loose jeans and sneakers and braided her already existing knotless braids into two french braids. After 15 minutes of fussing with her jeans she debated changing back into PJs.

"Hey open up" A loud knock came from outside her room. Her breathing became slightly heavier as she reached for the door. She slowly creeped it open "Hello" She stared at the boy infront of her. The blue eyed, blonde haired man looked down at her "Hey, we're having lunch, follow me"

Are you my brother? She was tempted to ask but held her tongue. She carefully closed her door as to not make any noise amd tried to catch up with the boys long strides.

They reached the living room and two other boys were sprawled on different couches, while an array of different shopping bags were thrown on the ground. The boy who brought her here sat on a couch and patter a place next to him for her to sit "Hope your not a vegetarian cus we got burgers, though I suppose you could have my chips"

She was confused at what was happening. Was she supposed to know these men? "Burgers are fine" She mumbled. The boy on the couch adjecent to the TV spoke up "Did you even tell her who we are?"

"You told me to get the girl, i got her" The boy beside me grumbled. Now she felt bad, was she not supposed to be here? The boy from before mumbled something about juveniles and said "Im Cameron." He pointed to the boy with the glasses "Thats Levi and the arse next to you is Oliver"

So definitely not her brothers. Her brothers name was Sebastian. "I'm Adellai" She spoke. Cameron got up and motioned Oliver to sit on somewhere else. Oliver grumbled some obscenities and switched places with Cameron. She could not forget their names. That would be rude.

"Heres your burger Love" He handed her a plate. She mumbled a small thankyou and hesitated for a second before speaking again "How do I exactly know you?" All three of the boys looked at her in confusion, then Levi spoke up "We're Declans younger brothers" he said, with an eyebrow raised. "Who..who is Declan?"

The three of them exchanged looks with eachother "Sebastians Husband? Declan Lockwood?"

Her eyes widened "He's married?"


Hiiii sorry for the short chapter but i kinda js wanna get some out rn but i promise there will be longer ones


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