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February 11th 2023

This weekend's episode of the newly titled, 'Britain to Korea' (Y/N) had a much simpler task, the company had sent him some Korean and British snacks, which he was to compare and rate over the day. Now one thing is for certain. (Y/N) can EAT. And the quickest way to his heart is sweets. The cameras in his apartment captured this perfectly.

(Y/N) is seen running up to the door and skidding to a stop after the doorbell rings, when he arrives he sees the parcel and looks visibly confused, picking it up and putting it on the kitchen island, where he pokes at it with a knife to see if, for whatever reason, it was a bomb.

After confirming it wasn't he opened it by sticking his hands into the tape and ripping the box in half, sending Styrofoam flying everywhere, he let the impulsive thoughts win and put one in his mouth, spitting it out immediately after realizing it tasted like shit. It took him a while, but when he saw the sweets, his face lit up as he began picking them up frantically to see what he had.

(He was also supposed to read a note with the challenge on but as he soon came to realize, he ripped it in half with the box)

However, he had no idea what to try first. There were some staple snacks from home, Hobnobs, Custard creams, Kipling cakes (bussin btw), and an assortment of British sweets, but there were also some Korean snacks he was completely lost on. So doing the only thing he knew to do. He called NewJean's resident sunflower.

"Dani... pick up pick up pick u-"

"Hello Mr (Y/L/N) how can I help you today"

This made (Y/N) laugh a little, she was like this every time they spoke because of his accent.

"I'm recording this weeks episode for the series, I need help with the snack names cause I'm lost and afraid"

His tone grew more sarcastic to the end as he feigned panic, causing Danielle to laugh, hearing a commotion, Haerin also appeared, curious as to what was happening.

"Hi (Y/N)"

(Y/N) switched the call to facetime so he could show the snacks, and gave Haerin and Danielle a little wave, his hoodie pulled tight around his head to stay as comfy as possible. He also showed the girls to the camera grinning from ear to ear.

Opening the first pack, which looked good. 

"Milk flavour..."

(Y/N) looked at the packaging confused but a little curious.

"How do you flavour something as milk..."

He opened the bag to find each of them were individually wrapped. Further struggling to open the smaller packaging with his fat fingers and then popping it in his mouth by throwing it in the air and catching it, first try and all which earned small claps from the two girls.

"The first bit tastes weird, but once it settles and gets wet in your mouth it's not so bad... They remind me a bit of these things in the UK called Mini Milks which are like milk flavoured ice-cream... Childhood right there. I give them a 6."

(Y/N) then pulls out the competition, which is just some Chewy milk bottles.

"See these are like, basic sweets and they do taste good... It feels a little bias though"

He puts a couple in his mouth to chew

"Honestly, the Korean ones taste better after a while, but that first little bit confuses me... I change my answer. The Korean 말랑카우 is an 8 and the Milk bottles are a 6."

Haerin interjected with a simple fact.

"They're really popular here actually"

They continued to try snacks until they got to a red ginseng hard candy.

"These smell like the herb shelf at my mums house."

This once again made the girls laugh, but not as much as when he put one in and immediately spat it across the room by accident.

"Oh shit!" 

(Y/N) ran out of frame and picked it up to throw it in the bin.

"It wasn't even that bad it just caught me off guard!"

He covered his face as the girls kept laughing, unable to stop. But (Y/N) persisted and tried another, knowing what to expect this time.

"Honestly, I wouldn't go and buy them, but if someone offered I'd say yeah for sure. 5 out of 10."

Danielle and Haerin both agreed.

"We don't really like them either, they taste weird."

The UK equivalent was Werthers Originals. Which although not a British brand, is very popular there.

"These win. GG. I fucking LOVE these so much."

He unwraps one and throws it in his mouth seemingly melting at the taste.

"I'm bringing these next time we meet up, they're so good. 10/10."

After a few more snacks, (Y/N) was onto the last thing in the box.

"Green Grape..."

He threw a Grape candy in his mouth and his eyes lit up.

"Are these like, a common sweet? They're so good..."

After tasting it for a few more seconds he gave his definitive review for the day.

"These are my favourite of the day. It's like the perfect amount of grape. It isn't over the top and they taste fucking perfect. If you guys ever need to send me a gift I want these by the way."

Danielle speaks up again

"Bring those too next time!"

She said this with a smile fitting of a sunflower, and after giving a warm thanks and goodbye to the pair, (Y/N) ended the call and sat eating the sweets he was given. It was comforting. Sweets were the quickest way to cheer him up and after doubting himself all week, they were working their magic, he even broke out into song over the grape hard candies.

It would now be around morning for Max, (Y/N)'s little brother. So being the great brother he is. (Y/N) called him in an attempt to wake him up.

(Y/N): Wakey Wakey rise and shine!

Max: It's 10 am I've been awake for ages.

(Y/N): Whatever... How's school going? Ready to sit your exams to get into high school? Still want to go to that Grammar school near your dads place?

Max: Yup! I've been revising a lot with a tutor dad got me so I'm doing well!

(Y/N): Glad to hear buddy. Remember to rest well yea? I have to start getting ready for dinner and everything but I will call you when I next get a chance. Love you stay safe.

After the call (Y/N) did what he said he would, cooking and eating his dinner again.

However, he stayed up working on a little side project, something he hadn't told anybody about yet. But it had been in the work since he was 12, a collection of albums, all titled dreams.

Two albums, with very little post production work, both raw and transparent about his lack of experience.

-Melatonin and Fever Dreams 

Then there was a set of songs he had made when he had a lot more experience and was starting to get caught up in the torrential worries he was developing at the time.

-Serotonin Dreams

And finally the latest installment, which would be his first official release, and the one closest to his heart. 

-Lucid Dreams

This one was titled because none of this felt real yet. Like he could wake up at any moment and have it all stripped away. That was more frightening than failing. He had started to make real bonds and he wasn't ready to cut them off so soon. 

This was becoming his real home. The place he wished he started his life in.


The Albums are all real and created by an Artist called BoyWithUke, if you're into bedroom pop, he's one of the best of the genre.

I'll be pulling songs from some artists of many different genres, this is to portray an uncommon talent with most musicians in which (Y/N) will be extremely versatile. Since dancing isn't your strong suit, which could change later on, I wanted a way to separate the character in a very copy and paste industry which is why I'm really pushing the idea of him being extremely musically talented.

Thanks for reading!

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