Chapter Seven: Meadows and Ice Cream

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How was you guys's easter? Or do you celebrate it? Mine was...interesting to say the least xD. Oh how was you guys's April Fools? Trick anyone? I did xD I went to the dentist today :O first step to getting braces. I got little separators in my teeth d:

192 reads. I love you guys that's why I'm pulling an all nighter right now to finish this chapter <3

This chapter is what everyone else is doing d:

Disclaimer: You know the drill.


Ino's POV- Somewhere in a meadow.

When I look to the left, all I see is Shikamaru lying next to me in the grass. I always enjoy looking at his features because everything about him seems so sharp. A nice jawline, pretty nose and long eyelashes, and his wild hair that does resemble the leaves of a pineapple. I realize I'd been staring too long, but it was too late because he'd already caught me.

"Like what you see?" he smirks and closes his eyes.

Most definitely.

I blush at my thought.

"Arrogant jerk!" I whisper-shout.

"Debatable," he puts his hands behind his head and looks up at the clouds.

He looks so relaxed and carefree, which is one of the main reasons I love to go cloud watching with him. He seems at peace when he's by himself or just one or two other people because he's not a people person like I am. I'd probably go crazy without regular social interaction, but he prefers solitude and quiet.

We're definitely opposites, but it's not really a bad thing. After all, opposites balance each other. Some opposites do clash constantly and aren't compatible at all, but not all of them. We're like Yin and Yang, push and pull, light and dark, Ino and Shikamaru. We look like complete opposites on the outside, but we complement each other and we complete each other.

I've always felt at peace with just him, when normally I'd like to be surrounded by a large group.

I copy his position and stare up at the moving clouds.

I can see why he likes this. It's so mesmerizing...the clouds I mean. It makes you think about what's really important. He says it reminds you how insignificant you are, but I think the opposite. I think that the clouds and sky remind us how significant we are, sure our lives are short-lived compared to the universe, but the big picture is that we are here. We're on this planet out of infinite planets in the universe, looking at this sky and admiring this beauty together. All the factors led to us watching the same sky.

It's relaxing as well. All the stress goes away. It feels nice and I'm half asleep when he starts talking.

"You know, some people think I'm boring for doing this and don't join me...but you do join me, and I can't help but wonder why," he speaks softly.

Because I'd do anything for you...I adore you.

He doesn't wait for an answer.

"I do wonder why you of all people. I mean, I'm sure you have better things to do but you join me instead I appreciate it," he turns to face me and a small smile plays across his lips. I feel the same on my face.

"You're right, I do have better things to do," I grinned when he rolled his eyes. "I could be doing anything else, but I prefer to be with you no matter what we do."

There's a pregnant pause before he asks me the question.

"You like me, don't you?" he asks.

"L-like?" I stutter due to my nerves.

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