Chapter 7 - Cabin

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so i know i've not updated in a while but i'm now on the easter break from school so there should be more updates but i'm not promising anything. It's like 11pm here so i should be sleeping cause tomorrow i've got to help my bro with some geography field work. YAY??????

blue x


Chapter 7 - Cabin

"Mr Jackson, you may take Miss Smith to the Universal cabin. Then go to bed." The Bosses voice floated through the thick haze of shock that had settled on my mind. I felt a hand settle on my shoulder; I turned and meet Seth's sympathetic eyes. Sympathetic??? I stood up and grabbed my bags that I lugged with me all the way from Shifting Sands Academy. I slowly made my way out of the green house Seth's hand was still on my shoulder, guiding me to where ever we were going. I absentmindedly trudged over the dark green grass, the sun now having set and the moon providing some silver light for us to see by. There was no one around to stare at me now, which was good I must look like something that the cat dragged through a thorn bush backwards. I probably looked like that earlier when people could see me. My mind was reeling with questions like who am I really? Did my Aunt and Uncle know? They probably did, I mean, my mum and uncle were really close when they were kids, or I so heard. But three questions were really bugging me; why did my mum and dad never tell me who I was and does this mean that my mum and dad were elementals too if so what element did they control?

After a few minutes of Seth guiding me, trying to sort out my thoughts and questions. We arrived at what I guessed was the Universal's cabin. It was beautiful. It was made out of wood that glowed silver in the moonlight and it had a porch, the roof of which was held up by pillars which were also silver but what caught my attention was the blue fairy lights wrapped around them. I shrugged Seth's hand off my shoulder and slowly walked towards them. When I got closer I realised that what I thought were fairy lights were actually tiny blue flames placed at intervals along a rope of flowing water. It was so captivating at beautiful. I slowly made my way further in to the Cabin. It was the most basic cabin ever. A bedroom off to the left, leading onto an en-suite. The rest of the space was taken up by a living room; one whole wall of the living room was replaced with sliding French doors which led down onto a grassy area which in its turn led down into the lake I saw earlier. I turned around and saw Seth standing at the French doors, I hadn't realised that I had walked out the cabin, smiling at me I walked back to him and he said

"Go get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning". He didn't wait for a response before he turned and disappeared into the darkness. I shuffled my way into the bedroom like a zombie, thinking my life is so weird, before falling onto the bed fully dressed. I was asleep before I hit the pillow.


Just a short filler chapter,kind of, hope you liked it, remember to vote, comment and fan

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