Chapter 10 - Food

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I have nothing to say

xx blue xx


Chapter 10 - Food

Skylar's P.O.V

We continued making our way to breakfast. I was trying to clear my mind of thoughts about that girl. You know the fire elemental. Lyn-z, yes that's what Seth called her. We walked in silence until we reached the breakfast place. It was a big Parthenon type thing, like the one in Athens, Greece. It wasn't nearly as big though. We climbed the steps into the building. All conversation stopped, as everyone swivelled their heads around so they could stare at me. I stopped dead. All attention was on me, I could feel my face get hotter as I blushed. I hate being the centre of attention. No scratch that, I despised it. I could hear whispers break out all over the place. "Is that her?" "Is that the universal?" "Yeah that's her look at her eyes" I felt the presences behind me and to the left disappear. I turned to look at them confused. Luke was walking towards a long table that stretched the whole length on the floor. It was covered with a shimmering silver table cloth. Everyone sitting at that table had the same silvery grey eyes as he did. Cailyn was also walking towards a table the same length as the one Luke was sitting at but it was covered with a shining green cloth. I turned to Seth who jerked his head in the direction of a blue table. I followed him over to the table. I could feel every one's eyes bore into my head and back as I walked. I was starting to get really uncomfortable; I sat down beside Seth on the hard wooden bench. I nervously fiddled with the edge of the blue table cloth till the girl who was sitting on the other side of me confidently introduced herself,

"Hi my name's Leah" she was quite pretty. Long chocolate brown hair that fell down her back in gentle waves and clear blue eyes.

"Um....I...Skylar but you can call me Sky I guess" I mentally slapped myself. Very intelligent. She smiled at me; I shyly smiled back as she introduced everyone around us.

"That Jerk there" she said pointing to the guy who was sitting on the other side of the table from me. He had dark brown hair and dark blue almost black eyes.

"Is Adam" he smiled at me and rolled his dark eyes at Leah before continuing his conversation with the girl beside him who I learnt was called Sophie. She also had dark brown hair that was pulled up in a ponytail with the same dark blue eyes as Adam. I guessed they were brother and sister.

"And you already know Seth" but there was one thing that was puzzling me.

"Why do all the tables have different coloured cloths?" This was answered by Seth.

"The cloth colours correspond with what element you control. So green for earth, Blue for water, silver for air and red for...."

"Fire" I finished for him. Suddenly food appeared in the middle of the table on sliver platters. Sausage, eggs, fried bread, toast, steaming pitchers of tea, coffee and hot chocolate. Plates, forks, knifes and cups also magically appeared in front of each person. The boys, including Seth all launched themselves at the food, piling food on their plates and burning their tongues when they tried to eat it. I smiled as I heard Sophie mutter


After I had eaten and laughed with my new friends I was in a much better mood. The incident with Lyn-z almost forgotten. Seth, Luke, Cailyn and I decided to go down to the lake since they didn't have any lessons. Cailyn took me to the camp shop to get some clothes before we went. I still had my bikini from my surfing, so I didn't need to get one. We'd decided to skip lunch. We made our way down to the beach, the boys racing down to the water. Taking their shirts of as they went. We set our stuff down and shimmied out of our shorts and t-shirts.

"You coming?" I asked Cailyn

"No I might in a bit though" she answered as she lay down on her towel and closed her eyes.

I ran down to the water but slowed down so I didn't face plant the water. I noticed that Luke was facing the middle of the lake, talking to Seth who could see me over Luke's shoulder. An idea popped into my head, I couldn't help but smile evilly. Seth must have seen the mischievous sparkle in my eye because he started smiling. I put a finger to my lips to tell him to be quiet............


Filler chapter. you probably know what Skylars going to do, but..yeah comment on what you think shes going to do bye

xx blue xx

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