Chapter 9 - Memories

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Third update in a week!!!!!!!!!!! i'm on a role!! in this chapter there could be upsting scenes so i'm sorry . If any one has been affected by anything like this i'm sorry there is no offence meant.

xx blue xx


Chapter 9 - Memories

Lyn-z P.O.V

Ugh that spineless pathetic excuse of a human and her even more pathetic excuses for friends. They are just ugh. Why do they have to be so annoying and argh? They just had me fuming, it was that Luke guy. He just had to go and bring up my brother didn't he. The whole camp knew not to bring up my brother when either me or younger sister and brother where in earshot. They knew that they would be on my hit list if they did and right now those excuses of a person were at the top of it. I can make their lives a living hell.

My hair blew behind me as I stormed back to the fire cabin. A large cabin that was painted red. It was encircled by a ring of fire. Fire elementals trust no one except other fire elementals. We don't trust family, friends or allies. Secrets. I hate them. Their supposed to be secret but they never stay secret. I really hate that Luke guy bringing up my brother.

My brother who was brutally murdered because he was a shadow elemental and refused to join Zarius. When my big brother was 11, my younger siblings 2(twins) and when I was 4 our parents were killed. We had nowhere to go so we lived on the streets till my brother was 16 and got a part time low paying job. So we could get off the streets, into a small apartment. My older brother in the evening went to school and when he came home he taught the rest of us to read and write. We scraped by. Then when my older brother was 22 and I was 14, we both had jobs and the twins went to school. We were happy. My brother had told me about elementals, camp elemental and how to get here. Then one Thursday my brother was killed, I came home from work to find the door hanging of the hinges and the apartment trashed. I had hoped that he was out, but I never had any good luck. I went in slowly and found my brother on the floor battered and broken but still alive. I sat and held him, crying silent tears barely holding back the sobs and hysterics but I had to stay strong for him. His last words, Be strong. Make them pay. Make them feel pain. Then he died. So I let him go. I packed spare clothes and other essentials for me and the twins and exited the apartment. Exited my old life. Left the old me behind.

After picking the twins up from school we went to a care home. They took us in. We had to be tough though the other kids made fun of us, played pranks on us, battered us. Till one day I snapped. I pushed the care homes old bandit machine on a guy. From then I went by the name Bandit not Lyn-z. I hate that name. I ran away dragging the twins with me and I came here. My life is so much better here three meals a day and roof over our heads.

I could feel the salty tears filling up my eyes. I couldn't cry. I can't let memories, threats and taunts affect me. I have to be strong like my brother wanted me to be. I need to make people feel pain, it's a part of me now and it always will be. I have changed from the crying, snivelling girl holding here brothers hand as he died. By this time I had reached the ring of fire that surrounds the fire Cabin. The fire parted before me letting me through and I stormed up the steps and into the room I shared with the twins. I slammed the door behind me the twins having long gone to their training class. Sometimes I wish that my brother was still alive, my life was happy when he was around. To be honest it was all the Universals fault. I don't know how but deep down I know it was. Deep down I'm sure she knows it to.


ok i'm sorry if any one is upset by this or offended there is no offence meant. I still hope you liked it. What do you think of Bandit? do you feel sorry for her etc etc please comment on it remember to fan and vote

xx blue xx

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