Chapter 8 - Fire

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Another chapter!! Once again hope you like it

xx blue xx


Chapter 8 - Fire

I once again nearly punched Seth in the face when he came to wake me up; otherwise I would have slept all day and not woke up till like 12 o'clock tomorrow. Seth sighed.

"Sky" I waited for the pain from the nickname but it never came. "Why whenever I wake you up you go and try to punch me. Like on the train?"

"Seth, when I lived at the care home the other kids used to play pranks on me when I was sleeping, they used to draw on my face with marker pen or something so I trained myself to sense someone or something's presence before they could touch me, then I just lash out. After a few times of getting punched in the face or gut they left me alone. Old habits die hard I guess." He didn't respond but he handed me some clothes.

"They're Cailyn's but they should fit you. She said that you can borrow some of her clothes till we get you your own.

"Tell her thanks." I said with a smile as I made my way to the en-suite to get changed. I came out after a few minutes in classic camo cargo pants and a loose black t-shirt with a camouflage superman logo. I sat down on my messed up bed and started digging through my surf gear looking for my pair of battered leather boots that I used for free running that I was going to do after surfing. I found them and stuck them on lacing up the fraying laces. I gave my hair a quick brush and stuck it back up into a ponytail. I walked into the living room stopping a yawn from escaping. I was surprised to see Cailyn and Luke casually sitting on my sofas with their feet up. Seth was sitting in the arm chair. They were all laughing about something, they had nearly stopped till Cailyn snorted setting them all off again. I couldn't help but chuckle at it. Unfortunately they all heard me and turned to look at me. I blushed it hated being the centre of attention so it did the only thing I could

"Hey" I gave them a small wave.

"Hey Sky" Cailyn responded a little too chirpily for a morning. "It's ok that we call you that right?

"Yeah, its fine, don't worry about it" I said through a yawn, sitting down beside her.

"So Sky what's your favourite colour? Who's your favourite singer? What's your fav................"

I groaned loudly "Cailyn how can you be so.....lively in the morning??" Instantly comfortable around her. I could hear Seth and Luke sniggering at me so I shut them up

"Shut up Seaweed you to Lulu" Giving them both my best death glare.

"If looks could kill" Luke whispered to Seth. I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I couldn't help but feel like I had been accepted into their little group of friendship already. I've never had any friends before.

"My fav colour is light blue and I don't really have a favourite singer I'm more of a band person." I answered Cailyn's questions from earlier just before my stomach rumbled like an earthquake.

"Can we go and get breakfast now??" Luke complained taking my stomach rumble as an excuse

"I guess" Seth answered. "Oh and Sky you really suit that look.

I responded by giving him a shy smile.

We were nearly at wherever breakfast was served and I was feeling like I could eat a horse. But before we could get there a tall, thin girl appeared out of what seemed thin air, I nearly walked in to her. She had jet black hair that had dyed dark red tips and side fringe and was dressed completely dressed in black. A black top and black denim shorts with black converse. She had what I guessed to be her friends on either side of her. A guy on her left and another girl on her right. The girl had nearly the exact same hair style except that she had a full front fringe instead of a side fringe. She was wearing the same outfit. The guy had no dyed hair but it was jet black like the girls and he was wearing black denim jeans not shorts. Ugh Images. I lifted my head so I could look into her gold yellow eyes. A fire elemental

"So this is the famous Universal Elemental" she sneered in my face her eyes full to the brim with hate and anger, if any more emotion was put into those eyes they would burst.

"Leave her alone Lyn-z what has she done to you? Seth spat at her coming to stand beside me. She hissed at him why I don't know.

"It's not her fault your brother was killed" Luke said with the same amount of anger coming to stand on my other side.

"You did not just say that" She whispered angrily.

"Guys" I heard Cailyn plead from behind me.

"Wait, your brother was killed. Oh my god I'm so sorry" I blurted without thinking.

"Don't be it's your fault he's dead" she said on the verge of shouting. Her face contorted with rage. By this time Seth was half standing in front of me, kind of... like he was trying to shield me, protect me. I could feel waves of anger rolling off him.

"Look I don't know how your brother died and I'm sorry for your loss but I just got here yesterday and I really need to get some food so" I said calmly. I walked around Seth and I nearly got round her before she stuck her hand out, blocking my path. I could hear Seth growling at her to let me go. She leaned towards my ear.

"One day you'll understand. One day you will really be sorry."


ooooohhhhh mysterious, who is this lyn-z? how did her bro die? was it skylars fault? why is Seth acting so protective? Hope you enjoyed it don't forget to comment fan and vote

xx blue xx

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