Chapter 14 - Fight

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soo yeah next chapter hope you like it



Chapter 14 - Fight

“You don’t scare me” I spat. Looking straight into her eyes. I stopped a gasp as the coloured part of her eyes burst into flame. Is that even possible? Well, it looked like they did. She started to bring her sword down fast clearly wanting to chop my leg off or something. I scrambled back as quick as I could. More pain shooting through my injured ankle, but I was too slow. The cold steel blade bit into my shin, leaving a deep gash. I called out in pain. Lyn-z had an evil smirk on her face with eyes full of anger and malice. I could feel the warm, sticky blood start to pour down my leg. I continued to back up until I felt the rough bark of a tree. Oh great, I can’t use my powers, you can’t fight very solid steel with water, fire, air or earth that can be chopped up like a knife through soft butter. I can’t use my bow because the arrows all broke just like my bow when I fell over. But I can use my knife.

I pulled it out of my boot as Lyn-z advanced on me. She saw my small dagger and laughed.

“You think you’re going to beat me with that, you’re more stupid than I thought” she sneered. I narrowed my eyes 

“Only the most skilled fighters can win a fight with a dagger” I quoted Luke’s words from that training day. “The weakest fighters can only use a sword” yes keep talking make her angry, make her reckless, make her easy to beat. Her eyes narrowed and her lip curled. I swear she growled like some predator. She rushed me, swinging her sword. My adrenaline started pumping, everything slowed down, and loud noises became muted background sound. I dodged her first blow; I kept ducking and weaving my why around her. She was too easy to read her moves becoming reckless, miscalculated, un-aimed, and predictable. But eventually I had to use my knife to block her blows, that was till her sword caught my lower arm causing me to open my hand and drop my knife. I was now weapon less. 

“You’re really going to fight someone who has no weapon with a sword, that’s what weak people do, people who are scared to lose.” She dropped her sword and kicked it away it went skidding across the ground before it came to a halt beside my own.  I smiled, just what I wanted, I’ll take her on hand to hand. This I can win. Ten years of taekwondo is finally becoming helpful. I waited for her to make the first move. A careless right hook I blocked easily before raising my good leg up, pain ripping through my injured one as I put all my weight on it, I kicked her hard in the chest pushing her away, landing with that leg forward and spinning using my back leg to kick her in the shoulder. We continued in this fashion, until she managed to catch my bad leg, she looked up at me with rage filled eyes. She brought up her other hand putting it over the gash that she had made with her sword. We still held eye contact as her hand slowly began to warm up until it was burning white hot this caused my leg to get more painful till it could only be described as agony. Lyn-z must have seen the pain and agony in my eyes because her eyes filed up with victory.

My vision began to blur, everything was in slow motion. Darkness crept in at the edges. I was going to pass out if the pain didn’t stop. I could feel my leg start to wobble and my balance was starting to go. I couldn’t do anything, the agony had me completely immobilized, I can’t move, I can’t think, panic was starting to affect me, that was until I saw a flag. Beyond the circle of fire elementals around us, beyond the fight. A flag, black with red embers in the form of a hurricane, my eyes drifted down to the bearer. A girl, long dark red hair pulled up into a messy ponytail, Cailyn, I followed her with my eyes. She leaped over the narrow river I hadn’t noticed earlier, there she stopped and started cheering, and I lost sight of her as she was crowded by other people celebrating with her, one of them on the outskirts of the group, caught my eyes he stopped cheering and stood still, his arm hanging limply at his sides, his jet black hair messed up and full of leaves.

 He started to run, pushing past the oblivious cheering teenagers. I looked away from him back to Lyn-z who screamed in rage and frustration. She’d lost the game. She sent one more pulse of heat into my leg, more intense than the others. I had no energy left to scream. The pressure on my leg disappeared and I fell to the ground, cracking my head off the forest floor. One more injury for my body to complain about. I made eye contact with Seth once more as he sprinted to my aid, the darkness was there again, this time I didn’t fight it. I let it take me.  


there you go quite short but it's a chapter, please comment etc


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