Chapter 6 - Stares and Stories

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2nd update in a week!!!!!!!!!!!!!On the last chapter i meantioned a song called Stay Out by nina nesbitt this is a real song and is realy good so go check it out. Long important chapter here. So pay attention. jokes. just enjoy the chapter and post any comments you want anything i should change, anything i should add etc enjoy!!!!!!!!

xx blue xx


Chapter 6 - Stares and Stories

MY eyes took in the picturesque valley and I heard a tiny voice asking where we were it took me a minute to realise that that tiny voice was my own. Seth's strong voice replied

"We, Sky, Are in Elemental Valley"

"Oh" was all that came out of my mouth

"Come on" Seth moved from my side and started to walk down the hill. I sighed and followed him.

Once we got down to the bottom of the hill there was a strange arch made by two trees that had bent and entwined their branches, on the other side of the arch there was nothing but more trees and bushes. But as soon as I passed under the arch with Seth all that disappeared into thin air. Gone, as if it was never there. Instead there was a Camp?? The lake was still there behind a pale green, paint peeling four story house. All around the area was vegetable plots, cabbage, carrots, potatoes any veg you can think of, mixed in with orchards; apple, orange, peach. There was also a beach volleyball pit filled with sand. That's all I could see. It was busy with boys and girls of varying ages, picking fruit, tending to the veg, playing volleyball or just walking and talking to their friends in the sunset. Seth led me through the orchards, at first I tried to ignore them but after about two minutes I couldn't. The stares of curiosity, awe and fear were getting too much for me. There were even a few people giving me some seriously angry stares. I was starting to get really freaked out by these people. I didn't even know where I was?



"Where am I? And why are these people staring at me? I whispered to Seth not wanting anyone to hear me.

"This is Camp Elemental. We come here to learn how to use our abilities and train for any battle that might come up."

"Oh...Ok" Why they would need to train for a battle was beyond me and he still hadn't answered my second question. He continued leading me to the green house that I saw when we arrived.

Just before we got to the big house a boy and girl came up to Seth

"Hey Seth" they both said at the exact same time


"Who you got here?" said the girl looking at me curiously.

"Oh Yeah. Cailyn, Skylar. Skylar, Cailyn" Seth said nodding to the girl. She was just a little bit shorter than me, her hair was a deep red. Dyed, probably once a chocolate brown. The same as her eyes.

"Skylar, Luke. Luke Skylar"" He was tall, taller than me, messy blonde hair but not quite the same shade as my blonde hair. More of a dirty blonde. His eyes were strange though. They were a grey silver colour. I gave them both a small smile.

"Guys we've just arrived and we need to go and see the boss. So I'll see you in a bit. K?

"Yeah sure we'll see you later then"

I could tell they were reluctant to go; they probably had questions for Seth. But they went any way. Seth and I continued to make our way through the stares to the green house.

"Luke and Cailyn are friends of mine. Luke's an air elemental and Cailyn's earth. You can tell by the colours of their eyes. Cailyns are brown to represent the soil for earth and Luke's are that grey silver for air. That's why mine are a turquoise for water. Usually you have some shade of blue eyes if you're a water elemental, brown or green if you're an earth elemental, a silvery grey and some shade of gold if you're a fire elemental." That was unexpected speech but I was saved from answering as we had arrived at the big house

Seth bounded up the few steps leading up to the front door, opening it without knocking. I hesitantly followed after him. I stepped into a cool reception room; a white tiled floor and white walls a line of paintings in the middle of the wall. There was a white reception desk and sitting behind it was a middle aged woman that as talking to Seth what about I don't know. Instead of going to stand next to Seth at the reception, I wandered over to the paintings. They were of the house we were standing in but the picture didn't quite match the image I had seen when I arrived. That's when I saw the little gold plaque underneath it.

The boss's house

Camp Elemental


1967? I moved to the painting to the left it was exactly the same except the plaque underneath said 1966, the one to the left of that said 1965. The pictures were getting older the further left you went so I went back to the 1967 one and went right. 1968. Now there were getting more recent. That is so weird.

"Sky, The boss can see us now" seths voice floated to my ears

I turned around and started towards Seth who was already climbing the stairs in the corner of the room. When did they get there? I followed him up the stairs and along some corridors to a pair of old brown oak doors and Seth knocked on them. Suddenly Seth pushed the doors open and I once again followed him through them.

There was a middle aged man sitting in the black swivel chair. I was surprised I guess I was expecting an old man stroking a white cat. James Bond style.

"Take a seat" He said gesturing to the two uncomfortable looking chairs in front of him. We both sat down. My assumptions were correct very un-comfy chairs.

"So Skylar, How are you?

"Eh fine I guess" He chuckled at my answer.

"I take it that Mr Jackson here has explained the basics about elementals but it's a bit more complicated then he has let on"

Mr Jackson? Oh he means Seth. I didn't know an answer to the boss so I just kept my mouth shut and let him continue.

"Instead of trying to explain it to you I'll tell you the story and hope you'll catch on":

"When the elements, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Lightning and Shadows were first born there was only one elemental of each element. They all got along except Lighting and Shadows. Then one day they left together and waged war on the other four elements. This war started a trend that will never stop. Every 100 years The Universal, a person who can control all of the four good elements, fire, water, earth and air. The universal is the only person who can kill, Zarius, the leader of the two bad elements, lighting and shadows. You can always that tell the universal by their appearance; ice blonde hair and eyes that are sapphire blue with deep gold flecks and emerald green with sparkling silver flecks. They also tend to be an orphan and know nothing about elementals. "It took me few seconds to realise that he had finished. It took another few seconds to run through my appearance Ice blonde hair and the 4 coloured eyes. I was an orphan and knew nothing about this till about a week ago.

"Are.....are you saying that the... Universal" I said in a barely audible whisper.

"Yes Skylar Grey you are The Universal" both Seth and The boss said together.


i'm Sorry if this chapter was too long but there is just lots of info i needed to put in it. Comment on what you think. Should i change something or add something etc

xx blue xx

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