Chapter Five

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    I woke up to a tremendous crash, some shaking, and a beam of light where there shouldn't be any. I got up and looked up. A giant hole was in place of some of my roof. Wonderful. When I got all of my stuff on and walked outside, I noticed that the roof was caved in only at the edge, so with a makeshift ladder, I could fix the roof in no time. 

    I grabbed the ladder that I had made for such an occasion and leaned it against the side wall of the cabin. With the back of my hatchet and some wood boards, I replaced the damaged part of the roof with some fresh wood and fixed the holes seeping cold air into the cabin. Then, I wiped all of the snow off the side the the roof and climbed down. Sweating despite the cold, I walked back inside my house, took my coat and boots off, and swept all of the snow that had fallen out the door.

    I grabbed my crossbow and walked into the snow-covered trees, ready to react to the slightest noise. Whenever a bird chirped, I swiveled and aimed before I registered what the sound even was. I was on needles, high-strung, and scared for my life. Not one of my greatest hunting days. 

    When I got to my usual hunting spot, I found something weird. Near the deer that I had killed days earlier, there was another dead deer, also stripped clean of flesh.  But the arrow that was lodged into its side was not one of mine. I stooped down to look at it. It had a blue feather in it and was brown to the tip, where, when I pulled it out, gleamed silver. I set the arrow down on the ground. There was another human in the forest. I was sure of it. I didn't know how long it had been since I had talked to another human. 

    I slowly followed the tracks, stepping through the snow. I didn't know if the arrow belonged to a friend or foe, so I walked with caution. As I followed the tracks more, I noticed that this was the exact route I had taken to the wolf den. I froze. I didn't want to encounter the wolves with them noticing my scent again, so I tested the wind to make sure. It was blowing my way. Good. 

    I crept through the remainder of the forest until I reached my last hiding spot where I had been before. I stopped at the hill and laid down on my belly to investigate the tracks. They appeared to go onto the stone path and into the den. I was puzzled at this. These tracks were definitely human, so why had they gone inside? No human could ever tame a wolf...right? Was it a witch of some kind? I couldn't figure out a logical explanation for why a human would just wander right into an active wolf den. A poacher would wait for the wolves to be active, not walk right up to their doorstep and knock.

    Struggling, I went back to my cozy cabin to ponder about this mystery person. They were obviously affiliated with the wolves in the den, the question was, how? Did the person raise the wolves themselves? Did they feed them? Lead them through tough times? There were so many possibilities, but none of them were likely. I slowly munched on my deer and berries, still wondering about the tracks.

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