Chapter Six

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    After dinner, I waited until the dead of night to come out of my house and investigate the tracks again. Grabbing my coat and crossbow, I stepped out of the door into the frigid night air. Owls hooted in the tall oaks, which blew in the wind, dropping snow onto the forest floor.

    I walked over to my hunting spot to pick up the tracks again. I could barely see them through the snow that was falling, so I had a hard time following the footprints and nearly got lost once or twice. I had to be attentive to my surroundings, too. Wolves in the forest could be roaming, hunting, or patrolling, so I had to keep a sharp eye out for any creatures while still staying on the trail of the footprints.

    When I reached the den, I dropped to my stomach to wait and see if there really was a human amid the wolves. Once or twice, I saw the red-furred wolf I had seen earlier come out and sniff the air, but this time, I had come prepared. As I was walking through the forest, I had been repeatedly testing the wind direction, to not be caught unaware of my situation as I had done the first time I had come here. Both times, the red-furred wolf walked right back into the den, as I expected.

    While I was waiting, I looked at the owls flying overhead. Illuminated by moonlight, they shone a myriad of colors. Some were pure white, some were speckled, and some were brown, but all flew with the posture of a hunter, just like the wolf.

    Suddenly, a girl stepped out of the wolf den. She was maybe 13, with blonde hair. I swore I saw a flash of recognition from the girl as we locked eyes. "Hey!" I shouted. "Come here! I just want to talk!" She walked over, and I began to see some of her features better. She had the same blue eyes I had seen earlier from my cabin and had green clothes on with a black cloak and hood. She walked up to me on the hill and stopped. "Why are you here?" She asked. She had an English accent. "Well, I was hunting when I found some tracks on the ground, so I followed them here to see if there-Why are you shaking her head?" She sighed. "No, like, why are you here in the forest?" I realized what she was asking. "Well, the Lord Protector banished me here to the woods from Kilkenny, so now I'm living in a cabin, hunting, repairing, not much else." 

    I realized I never got her name. When I questioned her about this, she revealed herself to be Robyn Goodfellowe. "Well Robyn," I said. "What are you doing here in the forest, visiting wolves?" She froze. "Erm...It's...complicated. I'd better be going back now." She turned to leave. "Wait!" I said. She turned back to face me. I showed her the blue-feathered arrow. "Is this yours?" She took it. "Why, yes it is. Thanks!" And she took off, jogging to the wolf den. What a mysterious child. I thought. She had been holding back something from me, I was sure. I was going to find out what, after a good night's sleep and some thinking. I started home, to my warm bed and lots of questions.

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