Chapter Twelve

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    I huddled close to the wolf pack and felt their shaggy fur press against my sides. "Sean, how many guards were there with the Lord Protector?" Robyn asked.

    I tried to think and look back on when I had seen all of the guards huddled over a fire. "I think there were about 30. They all seemed pretty miserable and cold, too."

    "Hah! Serves them right, the townies!" Mebh yelled.

    Robyn ignored the comment. "Did they have any cavalry items with them? Horses, cannons, that sort of thing?"

    "No," I said. "I don't think they had anything special with them. Just guns and armor."

    "It's basically the same thing as last time, except we have the element of surprise this time! We're going to be fine! Draw their fire, then strike! easy, right?" Mebh asked.

    "Yeah, except for the chance of death. We need a plan, not just broad instructions. Flanking, ambushes, that sort of stuff." I said

    Mebh snorted. "I dunno. Sounds too human to me."

    "They're using 'human' strategies too. We have to fight fire with fire, right?" I retorted

    Robyn chimed in. "Sean's right. We've battled with the Lord Protector before, and he's seen how we fight. He'll change his tactics, so we have to. What are some ideas, Sean?"

    "I was thinking we spilt up: Half of us on one side, half on the other. We'll surge forward and drive the soldiers back into their ranks. We can split them apart or at least drive them back. When their numbers are dwindled, they'll flee, and leave us alone for the time being."

    Robyn looked at me. "How do you know all this stuff?"

    I sighed. "My dad was a soldier in the army before he left to raise me. He would tell me what they did and how they did it. He taught me how positioning worked, how to make ten men seem like a million, and most importantly, how teamwork is more useful than any gun or sword on the battlefield. I miss him."

    Robyn smiled sympathetically. "I know, and once we beat the Lord Protector, for good this time, you can go back to them. We'll help you get through this, I promise."

    I smiled back. "Thanks, Robyn, but for now, it's me helping you. Now, since the soldiers don't have anything like cavalry or cannons, we should be able to win. Let's not be reckless, though. Be aware of your surroundings. Don't let them surround you, that's the big thing. We want to be on the perimeter. That way, we can fall back to the trees if needed, or advance and attack."

    Robyn turned to the pack. "If we follow Sean's advice, we can win. I know it! Let's get the Lord Protector once and for all!" Robyn and the others transformed into their wolf forms and ran out of the den, the pack close behind. I sprinted to keep up. 

    "Robyn!" I yelled over the barks and growls of the pack. "You remember what I told you, and we'll be fine! If you get separated, head for the trees to regroup!" She nodded and relayed the information to the rest of the pack.

    I skidded to a stop at the tracks. "OK, we're here," I said to the pack. "From now on, we should be more cautious. We don't know where the Lord Protector might be. so keep a sharp eye out for any soldiers in the trees."

    We crept through the trees slowly, following the tracks to the campsite. "You all know the plan. Split up through the trees. There should be enough cover for you to hide until Robyn gives the signal." The wolves flanked on either side, fanning out into two groups. After they had gotten in position, Robyn caught my eye. I nodded. A crossbow arrow streaked upwards, through the air, whistling as it climbed higher and higher. The signal had been given. Wolves streamed out of the trees as they growled and snapped, lunging toward the soldiers, who yelped and drew their weapons. I realized that I hadn't moved at all, and I stood up, grabbed a sword from a tent, and leaped into the fray.

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