Chapter Seventeen

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    I had another dream about Roby and the pack. This time, I was near an unfamiliar den site. I knew the forest, though. It was different than what I had come across during my transport, but I realized that this was the forest near Kilkenny. I looked for the path I had come through on my way to Kilkenny, but it was just trees. This was where the pack was before they had come deeper into the forests north of Kilkenny. I recognized some of the markings from the previous dream, so this was definitely the wolfwalkers' den. But where were the wolves? There was no sign of them anywhere. No wolves sleeping in the den, no patches of fur on bushes. It was like they had vanished.

    Just then I saw a track on the ground. I bent down to look at it. It was a fresh wolf track, leading away from the den towards the town. I looked at the path leading through the forest. I could see a faint wisp of...something heading in the same direction. As I ran along the path, I looked around at my surroundings. Owls hooted in branches, weaving and spinning their way through the lush display of nature. I could see their scent trails, floating behind them like banners or flags. When multiple animals' scents crossed, it created a tapestry-like criss-cross of color. I wanted to find out where they led, but I had more important things to do.

    I sprinted through the forest until I came to a dense layer of vines that was blocking the path. I checked the ground. Maybe they had changed course and went around the vines. But the tracks seemed to go straight through the vines and onward to the edge of the forest. As I was sniffing the tracks, I noticed something strange. The vines glowed when I got near them. I cautiously approached, and as I got closer, the vines parted in the middle and let me pass. I was shocked. I knew that wolfwalkers were magic, but I didn't know that they had this much! Robyn didn't tell me that wolfwalkers could alter the environment! I raced through the hidden passageway to the pack.

    I reached the end of the forest at dusk, panting and out of breath. But I had finally reached the pack! "Robyn!" I exclaimed. "Mebh! I'm so glad to see you! What are we doing here?" But they didn't respond. They didn't even look at me when I walked over to them. It was like I was a ghost. Now, I had seen some weird stuff, but this was a first. A ghost? Those were fairy tales! Myths! Things your older brother said to scare you at night!

    Moll seemed to be conversing with Mebh and Robyn about something. I listened over to the side.  "...Until this one freed me." she was saying. I heard the whistle of a crossbow arrow, and Mebh's mother went down on her side, an arrow in her side.

    Mebh shouted. I was still processing what had happened. This didn't seem like a normal dream for me. I thought of something. What if I was re-living the pack's past? It would explain how everybody didn't see me because I wasn't there at that point. It would also explain the event. Robyn had told me that her dad had shot Moll. So where was he?

    As if on cue, Bill himself came crashing towards Robyn at a sprint. He grabbed Robyn in his arm and shouted. "Back! Stay back!" Robyn was struggling against Bill's grip to help Moll. 

    "You don't understand!" Robyn cried, tears streaming down her face. "I need to help her!"

    Bill held her in his arms as he looked at her. "Robyn, why? I don't get it!"

    "Don't you see? I'm a wolfwalker!"

    Bill was shocked. I could see his face as it dawned on him what Robyn had just said. Just then, Robyn transformed into wolf form, gave her father one last look, and ran towards Mebh and the rest of the pack. Like water, the dream rippled and faded away. 'Wait!" I said. "I want more! What happened? Was that the past?" The dream faded one last time, and I awoke with a start. I was sweating and breathing hard, just like last time.

    Lord Dirtbag came into my field of view and crouched down again. "Now then, boy," he said. "Hopefully the last lesson has put some respect in you. Now, where do the wolves live? Tell me, or I will make sure you suffer."

    I sneered. "Is that all you got? I survived on my own for two years. Let's see what you've got." The Lord Protector growled and stormed off towards the castle. I smiled inwardly. The Lord Protector couldn't kill me. I was more valuable alive. I was safe, or what counted as safe in my condition. I just had to hold on until the pack came.I could do it. After all, what's a little torture compared to friends?

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