Chapter Twenty-Three

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    We went back to the den to retrieve Bill, talking about our backstories. "So, how did you meet Sean?" I asked Robyn.

    She chuckled. "Well, I snuck out of the forest to go and hunt with my father. All of a sudden, I heard shouts of a wolf and rushed back to Kilkenny, where I saw wolves attacking some sheep. I tried to shoot one of them, but then, a sheep rammed into my side, and my shot went wide, hitting my bird instead. He went down, but when I ran to help him, Mebh grabbed him and walked into the forest. My father came and chased away the wolves, and grabbed to put me back into town. Sean came and told us that the wolfwalkers were roaming the forest. He mocked the Lord Protector and got thrown in a cage. I was supposed to go to the scullery, but I set the sheep free of the cage, and in the mayhem, I escaped into the forest, where I met Mebh."

    I grinned. "Man, I thought I got a head start on defying the Lord Protector, but it seems you beat me to it!"

    Robyn laughed. "Guess I did, didn't I?" After a pause, she said, "This is changing the subject, but how will we get my father into Kilkenny? And even if we manage to sneak him in, would the guards listen to him, or will they just throw him in a cell?"

    I thought about that. "I guess I don't know. Now that you mention that, it's going to be very hard to get him into Kilkenny. All the guards know him from his time serving the Lord Protector, so we couldn't disguise him, and the guards would just throw him in a cell for treason, anyway."

    We stopped for a minute to think. "Maybe Sean or one of his friends has a friend that is a guard, or something. Could that work?"

    Robyn shook her head. "The guards came from England, so they wouldn't be on the townspeople's side. We need a new strategy."

    "Well, you said the guards fled when you provoked the guards. If we show up and force and howl or something, they may just scatter."

    "That's a pretty big chance we're taking if we show up. We're practically asking them to shoot us. Shouldn't we plan something else?"

    "What if the townspeople riot again, push the guards out of town towards the forest, and then, when they're close enough, we can trap them and force them to surrender? They'll be so alert of the townspeople that they'll never check for wolves."

    Robyn thought about this. "That just might work. Let's go check in the the rest of the pack and get their opinion." We commenced to walk through the forest, past the vine passageway, and to the den. We walked inside and saw Mebh, Moll, and Bill talking.

    "They shouldn't have taken this long. Where are they? You think they got captured?" We walked towards the pack, and Mebh swiveled around. "There you are! I thought the townies got ya!"

    Robyn laughed and hugged Mebh. "We found a hitch in the plan. We don't have a way to get Father into town, and even if he does manage, the guards won't give him the chance to speak. They'll throw Fether in a cell the moment they have him." Robyn caught the worried looks on the pack's faces. "But don't worry. We have a solution to this problem. At our command, the townspeople will riot, and the guards will be so focused on the townspeople that they won't see us coming up from behind."

    The pack agreed that this was a good plan, and me and Robyn went back over to Kilkenny to tell Sean about the plan. Mebh insisted that she come along, and together, we walked through the forest until we reached the edge of the forest again. "Wait here. I'll go get Sean." She ran down the road until she was a speck among the stone walls of the town. a few minutes later, Robyn came back with Sean and his friends.

    "So, here's the thing...We don't have a way to get the guards on our side. We've come up with another plan, though, so don't worry. On our signal, the townspeople will riot again. While the guards' attention is on you, we can sneak in from behind and trap them."

    "Won't people get hurt? What about us?" A person asked.

    I faltered. Caught, I swiveled around and jerked my head towards the forest. Robyn nodded, and we walked away to converse about what to do about the danger. "We can't let the townspeople just die! What do we do?" Robyn whispered.

    "People will have to get hurt. If they don't wanna risk injuring themselves for freedom, how much do they want it?" Mebh said.

    "Well, I said the riot failed last time, right?" The others nodded. "But that was when the guards were all bunched up. If the townspeople surge towards the gates, then they can open them and let us through without calling the attention of the whole force for at least a bit."

    "I guess we could do that. People could get injured, but there's less risk of it if they do it stealthily enough." Robyn said. Mebh begrudgingly agreed.

    We turned back to the group. "We've got another plan. If you take out the guards near the gate, then before the guards realize it, you could open the gate and let us through. With our combined force and numbers, the guards stand no chance." The group nodded. "Have you gotten the townspeople's support?"

    Sean nodded and grinned. "It's about time someone stood up to Lord Irosides, eh? C'mon lads, let's go tell the folks about the new plan." 

   They walked off towards the town. We watched them approach the gate and walk through. "Well, let's wait until tomorrow, and hope that we do this." 

   Mebh grinned. "Let's send the Lord Protector across the ocean, shall we?" I grinned back, and we headed off to the den to rest for the battle the next day.

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