Chapter Thirteen

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    With a sword, I charged into the battle. Fighting was all around me, as the wolves battled with the soldiers, animal against man, one of the oldest battles. People cried out in fear and pain as they fell prey to the wolves. I tried to help, stabbing guards and helping wolves retreat into the woods to heal. Dodging a soldier's sword, I rolled and slashed him across the leg. He yelled in pain and fell. 

    As I worked my way towards Robyn and Mebh, I saw Bill, Robyn's father, in wolf form, fending off two soldiers at once, growling at one, and breaking the sword of another clean in half. They both fled off towards the forest. "It's working!" I yelled over the chaos. "Keep pushing them back!"

    One by one, the guards fled into the trees with cuts and scratches on their chests, arms, and legs. Discarded and broken swords lay strewn across the ruined camp, shattered by the wolves' mighty bite. "Regroup!" I called. "We need a head count!" The pack all strode to the center of the camp, where the fire was. As I counted, I scanned for any red or gray wolves. "Guys," I asked worriedly. "Where are Robyn and Mebh?" They all fanned out to search for the duo. To my relief, the pair revealed themselves as they walked out through the trees. "Oh, thank goodness you're OK! I thought you were dead! We did it! We-" A tremendous explosion shook the trees as a tree to the side of the pack splintered into shards. 

    A cannon rolled into the clearing, with more soldiers than ever before. In the middle of the soldiers was the Lord Protector himself, with two flintlocks. I didn't get it. I swore I hadn't seen this many soldiers or a cannon anywhere in the camp. I tried my best to deal with the situation. I hefted my sword and prepared to defend. The soldiers clashed with the wolves with crashes of metal, screams, and gunfire. I saw a guard who was rushing towards me. I sidestepped, and he ran past straight into a wall. I returned to my stance just in time to block an oncoming strike from another soldier. I was pushed back until Robyn's father came to my aid. He tackled the soldier and slashed at his chest.

    I was fighting a brute, a huge soldier with a mace in his hands when it happened. I dodged his first strike and swung at his chest. The sword glanced off the armor, and the brute grinned. He raised the mace, and I knew this was my chance, so I lifted my sword and lunged, aiming for his heart. I saw his eyes widen in fear, but not at me. A flash of gray came barreling through and leaped at the soldier right as I was striking. Robyn was aiming for the soldier, but my arm was in the way, and she bit down. Searing pain went up through my arm as I dropped my sword and went to my knees. Robyn growled, and she lunged and bit the soldier's chest, breaking through the armor into the flesh. When she had finished with the soldier, she returned to my side and whimpered. I gritted my teeth through the pain. "I'm OK. Go. Keep fighting. Drive them back." She licked my wound and turned to go to Mebh and the others. I heard the CRACK of a gunshot, and suddenly, Robyn fell over onto her side. Mebh cried out and rushed to Robyn's side. I looked around for the source of the shot and found none other than the Lord Protector, with a smoking flintlock in his right hand.

    The wolves began to retreat with Robyn being carried by her dad and Moll. I started towards them, but as I was standing up, a rough hand grabbed me by the arm. I whipped around to see that one of the soldiers had grabbed me while I was distracted. I kicked and yelled, but the soldier dragged me over to the Lord Protector. "We found this one fighting with the wolves, sir." the soldier said.

    The Lord Protector walked over. "Hm. If he's working with the wolves, then he has information. We can use him. Throw him in the cart. I'll deal with him personally later." The soldier dragged me to a musty-smelling, old wooden cart, and threw me inside. "ROBYN! MEBH! HEY! HELP ME! PLEASE!" 

   The Lord Protector laughed. "You really think they'll come to your aid? They're creatures of the devil, boy! It is God's will that we purge these wretches from this land, and claim it as our own." The cart started forward and the soldiers set off, with the Lord Protector in front. I thought about Robyn and the pack. Did they hear me yelling? What happened? Would Robyn be OK? I wished that I could know when I got out of this.

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