💜𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗠𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿⟭⟬💜

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You finally get to the destination and get out of your car. You walk to the Studio and see Sejin standing at the door waiting for you. "Ahhh Y/n your here." He said. He gave you a warm smile and you returned him a warm smile as well. He showed you around the studio and the last room he was going to show you was the room your new members were in.

"Boys this is Y/n she will be your 8th member." Sejin said. You bowed at them showing respect. "Hello its nice to officially meet you." You say giving them a warm smile. "Hello Y/n I am Namjoon this is Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok, Seokjin or just Jin, Jungkook and Tae but you probably already know our names." Namjoon said. "Yeah I do know not to only mention your concert was amazing." You say. "We are glade you think so." Namjoon said giving you a smile which you have one to him as well.

They started to play a game of 2 Truths and a Lie so you all could know each other better of course BTS knew each other already but they could also learn new things about each other. "1. My favorite I have and ex girlfriend, 2. I love banana milk, and 3. Namjoon sucks." Jungkook says. Everyone chooses number 3 and Jungkook said how it was correct. You guys play for 3 hours then you go to your new home for right now until you have to leave to go to Korea (🇰🇷).

When you get to their hotel room you sell your car and someone bought it 2 hours later you get ready for bed and fall asleep. You didn't want to eat cause you didn't want to "get even more fat" when your body was perfect (everyones body shape is perfect don't let anyone tell you different). The next day the members help get your things to a moving truck. You get in a car with the other members and stay quiet the hole time.

When you get to the airport you get on their private plane (or Jet what ever it's called). Once you go in the air you started to read for a bit. You were sitting beside Tae and he kept acting childish (in a loving way don't hate 😭). You loved it when he was acting like a baby he just looked cute. When the plane landed you got off and you got in the car that was waiting for the 8 of you. You sat in between Yoongi and Jimin. When you get to their home which was bow your new home the moving truck pulled in.

The members helped you unpack and they showed you to your new room. After all the unpacking they left and Tae wished you the best (👍💯). You closed on the bed and smiled.

(Your room)

(Your room)

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