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It's been 2 months since you joined BTS and your loving it you made music videos with them, go on TV with them, go to interviews with them you do everything with them. But one thing hasn't changed you still force yourself to throw up your food. You only eat and drink water (if you don't understand by what iean by eat water it means you eating ice cubes which are made out of water).

The members are worried about you and how you keep throwing up all your food after every meal. Jimin, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Tae are worried the most they don't want you to throw up every meal. But they also are noticing some other things. Tae noticed you suck your stomach in everytime he stays with you after you have a nightmare. Yoongi noticed how started to always wear make up no matter where you were.

Namjoon noticed how you search up skinny and beautiful girls on the internet. Jimin noticed how you only eat ice and drink water. Jin, Hoseok, and Jungkook started to notice things to. Jungkook noticed that you started to go to the gym everyday before everyone woke up he noticed this because he had to use the washroom and saw a gym pass in the hallway and it had your name on it then when he got back it was gone and you were as well.

Hoseok noticed how you stopped laughing and smiling. And Jin noticed you started reading hate comments telling you how your smile is ugly how your ugly how your laugh is annoying and how your a fat pig. So one night while you were sleeping Namjoon woke up all the other members at 2am in the morning. They all woke up and went into the living room and started talking they all realized that there wasn't just one but many things that you were doing that were odd so they put all the pieces together and realized something.

They realized that you must think that your fat and ugly and your smile is ugly and your laugh is annoying. After they had that they started talking about how to stop you from feeling this way. They talked for an hourand went back to bed. Tae went into your room and slept in there with you with out you knowing. In the morning you woke up before the others and realized that Tae was laying beside you cuddling into you so you just went back to sleep not wanting to wake him up.

When all the others woke up they went down stairs. When you woke back up you went on your phone and started looking at the hate comments. Jin came in your room and snatched your phone away. "Don't listen to them they are just jealous." Jin says. He then tosses you your phone and walks away. You went to go put on your make up but Yoongi takes the brush you had just picked up. "Don't put on make up it will make you look like a clown." He said. He put down the brush and smiled at you then walked off. It was really rare to see Yoongi smile so you decided not to put on makeup instead you just did your skin care routine.

You go down stairs and go to grab your gym pass but can't find it. Jungkook goes to you and holds your pass. "You don't need to go to the gym we have a concert soon and you don't wanna be tired on stage now do you?" Jungkook alsed. You shook your head and he put down the pass and smiled at you then walked off. You go to the table and Tae walks up to you.

"You don't need to suck your stomach in when I'm in your room to comfort you when you have a nightmare it's uncomfortable for my arms." Tae said. He smiled at you and goes to a seat to sit in. You got out of your seat and grab some ice but Jimin took the ice from you. "Don't eat ice it could break your teeth and if it breaks a tooth it will hurt." He said with a smile and put the ice back into the freezer then walked to his seat.

You walked to your computer and started to search up pretty and skinny girls but Namjoon closed your laptop. "Don't worry bout how others look like just worry bout your health." He said with a smile. He walked to the table and sat down. You walked to the table and sat down as well and smiled but stopped and just frownrd. Hoseok pushed Jimin chair back and you began to laugh but stopped. Hoseok went to you and whispered I your ear.

"Your smile and laughter is adorable I love seeing your smile and I love to hear your laugh." He whispered then he went back to his seat and smiled at you. After breakfast you try to go to the washroom to throw up again but this time the members stop you. "Not this time." Yoongi said.

"We know you think your fat, and that your ugly, and that your smile is ugly, and your laugh is annoying but we don't think that Y/n your a strong beautiful person and if no one can see that they aren't worth it." Jimin said. "We like you just the way you are." Jin said. "We live hearing you laugh every day." Jungkook said. "We love seeing you smile." Tae said. "We don't think cause we know that your body is perfect the way it is.

"And we know your pretty with out make-up." Namjoon said. "She's not pretty cause Y/n the truth is that your beautiful just the way you are." Jimin said. You couldn't help but smile at them. "Thank you guys." You said. "Anything for you." Yoongi said.


A/n Note:

I wrote this chapter just because I know there are people like me in this world who think they are ugly and fat and that their smile is ugly and that their laugh is annoying. So I wrote this chapter to tell you all that it's not true you are perfect just the way you are and don't let anyone tell you different.


Who do you ship the most in BTS (Vmin or Yoonmin)?

That's all I'll see you next time my lovelys 😘

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