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|The dream|

You woke up and you saw that the room looked firmiliar but you could not point out why. You looked around the room and noticed you were not in the bed room your members gave you and you were not in your apartment bedroom. You heard a voice call your name and you walk down stairs. "Morning hunny how was your sleep." The voice asked. You realized the voice was a girl but not just any girl it was your mother.

"Hunny are you okay you looked like you saw a ghost." Your mum said. You realized that you meeting BTS and have 6 ex boyfriends and your mom and dad dieing was all a dream not a dream just one big nightmare. You smiled at her. "Yeah I'm fine just had a strange dream of you dieing in front of me that's all." You said. "Well those dreams are not real okay don't trust them." Your mom said. Your dad came home from work and you gave him a big hug. "Ahhh there's my little princess." Your dad said.

You smiled at him then looked at your mom to see she's no longer pregnant. "Mom can I see baby sis?" You asked. She looked at you confused you realized you never had a baby sis. "How did you know I was pregnant?" She asked. You looked at her. "It was in my dream I just thought that I was asleep while you gave birth to my sister." You said. Your mom smiled at you. "Well I'm happy to see you happy about having a baby sister." Your mom said.

A few months later you your mom and your dad were going shopping at a mall when the fire alarm went off and you realized that your nightmare was coming to life. You tried to pull your family out but then got trampled on by people who ended up carrying you out of the mall you screamed for your parents and cried their names out loud. When you were out of the mall you ran back to get them but when you saw them you started to run to them but you saw something drop on them basically killing them.

But your mother was safe your father must have pushed her out of harm's way you run to her but fire and spreader and stopped you from reaching your mother the fire fighters run in and stop the fire that was in front of you. You see your mother laying there on fire and your dad was dead. The fire fighters use a fire extinguisher on your mom and put out the fire they carried her to an ambulance while you were staring at your fathers dead body.

You were crying seeing that you could not safe him in time. Someone took you to an ambulance to get you checked out. The ambulance took you and your mom to the hospital. You were in a room witht the doctor when someone screamed for help it was a nurse. Your doctor ran out of the room and you went with her to see your mom was not breathing. The doctors did everything they could but they could not safe her at all.

|Out side the dream|

Yoongi had woken up to use the washroom. He walked out of his room and walked past your room and decided to check up on you after he was done doing his business. He walked to the washroom and when he got out he walked to your room and walked inside your room using the outside door (Idk what they call it I just know it was in a video I watched of Tae bringing Jimin some breakfast and he went in his room from the outside).

He went to your bed and saw that you were having a nightmare. He started to shake you up from the nightmare of your parents. He started to shout for you to wake up which woke up all the members. They ran to your room and see Yoongi shaking you trying to wake you up. "Yoongi what is happening is she okay?" Jin asked. "Is she okay." Jimin mocked Jin. "Does it look like she's okay if she's crying and Yoongi is trying to wake her up I think she's having a nightmare." Jin glared at Jimin but then looked back at you who began to scream for your mom.

Jimin went beside you and shook you hard enough to wake you up. After a few seconds of him shaking you up you finally woke up. You sit up and cry. "What happened?" Jimin asked. "A memory of when my parents died and I couldn't save them." You said. Tae sat on your bed and gave you a big hug. "It was just a nightmare your okay now that was in the past. Your safe now every thing is going to be better." Tae said.

"There is a couple things that my mom said that are true." You started. The members looked at you confused. "You can't trust a dream no matter how perfect it looks there is always something that is going to happen later on and You can't trust every thing you see no matter how perfect it looks." You finished.

"But I also know that there are people I can trust and that all of you." You said. Tae let go of the hug and wiped your tears away. "And why is that?" Namjoon asked. "Because you guys aren't afraid to show your true selves on stage or anywhere you guys don't pretend to be someone your not." You said. They smiled at you. "So that's how you we can trust you?" Tae asked. You nod. "I know you guys can lie but I know you guys only lie just for fun and it's always funny." You say. They smile at you and you smile back.

"Okay well it's getting late so let's head to bed." Namjoon said. "I'll stay with you for the night in case you have a bad dream again." Tae said with a cute smile. "Okay Baby Bear." You say. The members go to their room and sleep but Tae stays in your room and cuddles into you and you suck your stomach in and fall asleep.


A/n Note:

I wanted to write another chapter I might write another one or just start it and not finish it.


Who in your opinion is the best singer in BTS?

That's all goodbye my lovelys 😘

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