behind the scenes

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mentions of abuse, language, and etc.

It was the day of the VMA's and Martha was thrilled. She had been waiting for days and she picked out her clothes she bought and jewelry days before the event. Of course she got herself a personal make-up artist and hairstylist but couldn't buy a good looking, fancy dress for her daughter. She picked out a beautiful diamond dress which was thousands of dollars while she gave her daughter a simple purple mid-thigh dress which was much less than a hundred.

"Autumn, get ready! We have to leave in an hour!" Martha screamed at her daughter.

"Wait, I'm doing my homework," Autumn replied.

"Do it later, we need to go soon. I need you to make more money," she said, not even hiding her intentions.

"Mom! Give me five minutes!"

"Now, Autumn! Or else you're grounded!" Martha threatened.

"I don't go out anywhere so that's fine!" Autumn retorted.

"I'll take away your music so you can't listen to Taylor Swift!"

"Fine, I'm putting my books away!" Autumn said, not wanting to lose the one thing she loved about music.

Autumn sighed before closing her computer and putting all the textbooks back into the drawer connected to the desks. She searched up some dresses from previous VMA's and had a great feeling that hers was too simple, but there was nothing she could do about it. Pushing her feelings aside, she slips on the simple dress before deciding to paint her nails. After waiting for the coat of light purple paint to dry, she picks out a couple rings, a pair of earrings, and a necklace to go with her outfit. Once she fixed her hair out of a messy bun into lightly made curls, she went downstairs to wait for her mother. She sat on the couch watching some cartoon to take her mind off of the nervous thoughts in her brain. After about thirty minutes, she heard a knock on the door. The driver was standing outside.

"We're going to be late if you don't come now," he reminds.

"I'll get my mom," Autumn responded.

After running up the stairs, she calls out for her mom, who was very annoyed.

"I told you to get ready on time! You made me worried and made me late!" she yelled, blaming her tardiness on the only person she could.

"I didn't do anything, I got ready in thirty minutes!"

"Don't fucking talk back to me!" Martha yelled, unreasonably.

Autumn rolled her eyes, without letting her mom notice, before walking towards the car after her mom. The drive was silent as Martha went on her phone and Autumn nervously sat there bouncing her leg up and down. She felt herself start to panic as she saw a lot of famous celebrities as the car parked.

"Mom, I'm nervous," Autumn said.

"Don't be such a baby," Martha said, rolling her eyes.

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