suspicions arising

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mentions of abuse, language, and etc.

Autumn closely followed her mother, staring at the ground, trying to avoid the awkward eye contact with people. Once they had made it to the long line of the red carpet, Autumn felt herself feeling light-headed. Knowing how her mother would react if she tried to leave, Autumn pushed the feelings to the back of her mind and followed her mom onto the carpet. She stood there, smiling, while her mom did tones of poses that she practiced for days at home. She even got a professional model to help her find her "good side". The blinding lights and yelling made her chest pound even more. Luckily, there was a great distraction. Just as Autumn was about to faint, she heard a stranger's voice she could recognize anywhere. She turned her head slightly to the side to see the Taylor Alison Swift standing right next to her. Her eyes widened as she tried to stay calm and not panic. As she was looking down at her feet again, Autumn heard someone speak to her.

"You've got to give them a pose, place your hand on your hip and turn your head to the right and smile," the woman next to her instructed, playfully.

Autumn did as the woman said, still in shock that Taylor Swift just talked to her. Taylor could sense her inner panic and walked closer to her and grabbed her hand, rubbing her thumb over the girls knuckles. As Martha noticed that all the camera's were now on her daughter and Taylor Swift, she pulled her daughter away.

"I can take care of my own kid, thank you very much!" Martha whispered to Taylor, not wanting to drop her nice act.

As everyone was starting to dismantle and go inside, Martha dragged her daughter into the huge building. Autumn was assigned to sit at the thirteenth table so they both headed over there. As Martha was going to sit down, a man in a suit stopped her, he looked like a security guard.

"Sorry ma'am, only artists can sit here. Plus one's need to sit in the section at the back," he informed.

After a good ten minutes of arguing with him, she sorely accepted her loss and turned to her daughter.

"I swear to God if you tell anyone about this, I will make your life a living nightmare. Do you understand?" Martha asked in anger.

"Yes ma'am," Autumn stuttered, unable to breathe due to anxiety.

As everyone started to settle down, she saw Taylor come in, she was with Jack and Lana. Sabrina and Gracie were right behind them too. As she looked around, her table was the only one with five empty seats.

They couldn't possibly be sitting here.

As they moved closer to her, Autumn looked away, tugging at her dress, while trying not to shake. Out of her peripheral vision, she saw the group of people take a seat at the table she was at. There was still a couple minutes before the VMA's officially started so everyone was talking and Autumn just left so out of place.

"Hi I'm Taylor, we met a couple minutes ago," Taylor said, grabbing Autumn's attention.

"I'm Autumn. Sorry about my mom, she's really nice, she's just under a lot of stress," Autumn says, trying to defend her mother.

Taylor gives her an "i don't believe you look" but quickly changes it to a small smile. Everyone takes turns introducing themselves to Autumn. Taylor was about to turn to talk to Sabrina but something caught her eyes. She saw a bruise on Autumns back, it was well hidden by her hair, but Taylor was able to see it from the side. She looked back and saw Martha who was having a staring contest with Autumn's back. She didn't want to jump to conclusions but she had a very uneasy feeling about Martha.

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