suspicions conformed

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mentions of abuse, language, and etc.

Martha pushed the girl out of the house and slammed the door on her face. Autumn picked herself off the floor, wincing at the pain of her bruised knees. Autumn walked around the house, hoping her mom would come out. After thirty minutes, she realized that her mom was actually serious. She slowly walked out the community trying to find somewhere to stay. She had a couple hundred dollars from birthday money and that was it.

Taylor was driving home instead of going to the after party because the girl's mother ruined her mood and her want to party. She was too worried and scared for the girl, she couldn't focus on anything else.

"Tree, I saw a bruise on her neck and she was shit scared. I know something is going on, she wouldn't stop shaking!" Taylor cried.

"You can't do anything about it unless you're really sure and we have proof, Taylor. I'll try to get you to talk to her more but there's not much we can do now,"

"Tree! Stop! That's her! Why is she out here, it's midnight!" Taylor yelled, causing the driver to stop on the side of the road.

Taylor ran out, followed by Tree, her parents, and her brother, they ran across the street to the girl who was walk the other way.

"Autumn!" Taylor called out.

Autumn turned around to see Taylor and a bunch of other people running towards her. She tries to run the other way but her feet wouldn't move, she felt stuck.

"It's midnight, what are you doing?" Taylor asks, catching her breath.

"Nothing, just going on a walk,"

"If you're trying to lie, you need to try much better," Taylor's brother, Austin, said.

"Autumn, what happened?" Taylor asked, gently but firmly.

"My mom kicked me out," Autumn muttered, staring at the ground.

Knowing that Autumn would try to walk away, Taylor grabbed her hand and pulled the girl into a tight hug. As she leaned back, she saw the bruises on Autumn's knees, and when she turned around she realized that everyone had seen it.

"You can go with Taylor tonight and we can see what to do tomorrow," Tree says.

"It's okay, I can manage," Autumn politely declines.

"It's not a request. I am telling you that you'll be going with Taylor tonight. It's not safe for you to be out here alone," Tree said, worrying about the girl's safety.

Before Autumn could protest, Taylor gently drags her into the car. It could be considered kidnapping, but if it's Taylor Swift, Autumn wouldn't mind being kidnapped. There was tension lingering in the air but it was comfortable, Autumn felt a sense of relief but she didn't know why. Without knowing, while falling asleep, Autumn laid her head on Taylor's shoulder before closing her eyes. Once she had gone to sleep, Taylor started to whisper.

"I told you, what are we gonna do now?" Taylor asks.

"I don't know yet, I would say CPS but she's also well known so that is going to be tough. All I know is that we can't let that woman take her back. We'll figure it out," Tree says.

Taylor carries Autumn into the house and puts her down on the bed in the guest room before heading over to her own. She changed into her cat pajamas and went straight to her studio room, she knew it would be a sleepless night. 

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