scary past

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A/n: 3 more chapters left (after this)!! And I started writing a Taylor and female oc book which will be published a little while after after this one is done.

mentions of abuse, language, suicide, and etc.

Autumn followed the woman up the elevator and to an examination room with an x-ray and a tray with all different kinds of sharp objects. Autumn took a step back, not following the woman into the room. The last time she had been in a room with an x-ray was the last time she saw her dad. They promised her that he would come back fine but he died as they took an x-ray.

"Come on in," the woman said.

Autumn shook her head no and took another step back, hitting the wall.

"It'll be okay, just come on in and we can check and make sure that you're okay," the woman explains.

As the woman came closer to her, Autumn took off running, the woman following behind her. Autumn ran down the stairs to save time and not be taken into the room. Three nurses were on her tail, trying to catch her, and she just wanted to run out. While running, looking back to see them gaining on her, she bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry," Autumn said, as she tried to run again, she was so close to the door.

She felt someone's arms wrap around her but all the three nurses were standing in front of her. Autumn hurriedly turned around to see Taylor hugging her with Jane right next to her.

"Jane just finished telling me a couple things, I was just about to come up and see you. Where are you running to?" Taylor asked.

"I wanna go, Taylor," Autumn said, trying to get out of her grip.

Autumn wiggled from Taylor, about to make another run but Taylor pulled her back. With two nurses holding on to each of her arms, and Taylor and Jane right behind her, she knew she couldn't escape. Instead of fighting against them, she walked until they came to the doors.

"We'll try this again. Ms. Swift, please wait outside, and Autumn, follow me," the nurse she had previously been assigned to said.

Taylor saw Autumn's small steps trying to move herself back and hugged the girl. She knew that Autumn needed a hug and it would stop her from running.

"Baby, they're trying to help. We need to make sure that you're physically okay," Taylor said.

Feeling the girl shake in her arms, Taylor requested for them to be left alone. The nurse led them to a room to let them have some privacy. Taylor sat down in a chair with Autumn in the one right next to her.

"Baby, I need you to take some deep breaths, I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong," Taylor said, rubbing the girl's back.

"Tay, he went in there and he never came out. They promised he would be okay, as soon as he went into that thing, he died, he came out dead, I don't want to go in!" Autumn broke down.

"Oh, my sweet girl, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that happened," Taylor cooed, pulling the girl into her.

After a minute of silence, Taylor spoke again, "I know it's so scary for you but what if I'm there next to you, the whole time, all of it?"

"What if I die?"

"I'll be right there, I'll make sure nothing happens to you," Taylor responds.


"I promise," Taylor reassures.

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