trust and family reunion

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A/n: Last chapter!!

mentions of abuse, language, suicide, and etc.

"Tay, I'm scared, please don't make me!" Autumn exclaims, gripping onto Taylor's shirt.

"Baby, you need to let go. They're gonna help you, you need to do this surgery," Taylor says, trying to pry off Autumn's hand off her shirt.

"We can give her two different things, one will put her to sleep for the entirety of the surgery, the other one will just numb her whole body. It's her choice," the doctor said.

"It's up to you, sweet girl," Taylor says, holding Autumn's hand.

"The sleeping one please," Autumn said.

The doctor picks up a blue color syringe filled with a liquid and walks over to Autumn who was now shaking. He inserts the small needle into her skin before setting it back on the tray. Taylor stayed there with Autumn for fifteen minutes until the girl was fast asleep.

"Ms. Swift, you can wait outside or come back later, it will take about six hours but you will get a call when she's ready for visitors. Mr. Kelce has already filled out all the paperwork for discharge so no need to do that. She needs to stay in the hospital for two days after the surgery, then she's free to leave," the doctor explains.

"Thank you, I'll wait right here and so will he," Taylor said as Travis walked back to her.

"Papers are all filled out and we're going home to shower and freshen up," Travis interjects.

"I will leave you both to figure that out," the doctor said, walking into the operation room.

"Travis! We're sitting right here!" Taylor exclaims.

"Taylor, look at you. Your eyes are red and droopy, your hair is a mess, you picked at your nails and now they're all messy around your skin, you need to freshen up," Travis pointed out.

"What if something happens, Travis? We have to be here. Autumn needs me!"

"Taylor, the doctors are professionals and Autumn is sleeping. It will all be okay, staying here will make you worry more. Let's come back in four hours and we can wait for the last two," Travis says, stroking his girlfriend's hair.

Taylor slowly trudges behind Travis, biting at her nails, looking back at the room as they walk. Travis holds her hand to stop her biting and pulls her closer.

"Fuck!" Travis says.

Taylor looks forward to seeing paparazzi surrounding the building before taking a step back. Travis protectively wraps his arms around her before they speed walk to the car. Travis blocked the paparazzi as they entered the car and sat down. Taylor laid her head on Travis' shoulder as she started to think about Autumn. She spent so much time with the girl in the past two days, it felt empty without her. Once they arrived home, Taylor sat there on the couch while everyone sat around her.

"We need to go back, what if something happened?" Taylor said, abruptly standing up.

"Tay, no, go take a bath, baby," Andrea said, pulling her daughter back.

"Mom," Taylor whined.

"Taylor, this isn't good, please go take a bath," Andrea pleaded.

Taylor sighed as she walked up the stairs and undressed. She sat under the hot water until her hands started to prune. She put on one of Travis' shirts and some shorts before going back downstairs. Her mom had made mac and cheese because it was easy and it was good. Taylor sat criss cross on Travis' lap as she ate. After a couple hours, they got a call saying that Autumn was still awake and they could now visit her.

"Didn't that feel good? Taking a hot bath and a hot meal?" Travis asked as they walked into the hospital.

"Yeah I guess," Taylor said, speed-walking to the room.

"Oh my sweet girl!" Taylor exclaimed as soon as she saw Autumn.

"Hurts," Autumn croaked out.

Taylor gently wrapped the girl into a hug and didn't pull back even when the doctor came. Taylor and Travis listened to what the doctor said and Taylor signed the papers to take care of Autumn.

Once Autumn had been released, Travis went to pick her up as Taylor had to be in a meeting about how to avoid things getting public too fast. And at this point Taylor answered all the questions with "I'll do whatever I want" so they rescheduled. Taylor paced back and forth until Autumn walked in. She ran over to the girl and hugged her tightly.

"I'm guessing you missed me," Autumn teased.

"Not even a bit," Taylor retorted playfully.

After everyone greeted Autumn, they all sat down to eat. Andrea made soup since Autumn could only eat mushy food and liquids for the next couple weeks. They all ate and Autumn watched as everyone else started playful banters and light-hearted conversations. Her mom, her dad, and her would always be like this before he died. After he did, her mom ate in her room and barely let her eat.

"You okay, Autumn?" Scott asked, looking at the girl.

"Yeah," she muttered, pulling herself out of her memories.

"The soup is really good," Autumn adds.

"I'm glad you like it," Andrea added with a warm smile.

After they had all finished eating, Taylor seemed really excited and she couldn't stop smiling. Autumn wondered what she had done as Taylor asked her to sit down. Taylor came back with an envelope in her hand as everyone surrounded them. She handed it to Autumn and then moved back a bit, staring at her feet. Autumn slowly opened the envelope and pulled out a piece of paper. She turned it over to see adoption papers fully filled out except for one line, her signature. Autumn took the pen from the desk in front of her and signed it without any hesitation. From the side of her eyes, she could see Taylor smiling while tears pooled her eyes. Autumn stood up and gave the envelope back to Taylor who wrapped her in another hug.

"Thank you," Autumn whispered.

She felt Taylor smile as the woman hugged her tighter. Travis joined, then Austin, which turned into everyone who had helped her and always been there for her. Maybe she would finally move past what her mother did. Maybe she has a family again.

I have a family again.

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